Everyone's fitness journey is different! Read about SFU Recreation's Audrey Heath journey with fitness!
SFU Recreation Services
Helping out the SFU Recreation team can come in many different forms! Read as Aleisha, a Promotions Assistant at SFU Rec, tells us about her role and why Promotions is a great team to partner with.
Sometimes a well-timed nap can mean the world to a tired student. Read on to see the ins and outs of napping at SFU and what's your best bet at at-school slumber.
Running is great for your cardiovascular health, but it's not easy to get motivated if you're new to the sport. Read Rachel's post on SFU Rec to find some tips on how to build motivation before putting on the running shoes.
Are you trying to put wellness into your routine and not quite sure where it fits? This article by SFU Recreation tells you some tips and tricks on finding ways to get started