"Initially, I joined the Global Connections Program because I was new to Canada and hoped to have at least one contact before I moved from Singapore. Now, I have a community. The program is a gateway to engagement. The virtual events were welcoming and made me feel a sense of belonging to SFU, despite not being in the country. I met many amazing people, who helped remind me that I wasn’t alone in my situation during these uncertain times. Despite our very different cultural backgrounds and situations, we always managed to find at least one thing that we shared in common - and if that’s not some casual magic, then I don’t know what is.
Having a time zone separating me from my professors has made me learn how to speak up for myself and take charge of my learning. Completely swapping my body clock over the past year to complete calculus quizzes at 3 am was not my definition of fun. However, you don’t change unless you're challenged, and this year has taught me how to be academically disciplined, organized, and independent.
As we return to campus in the Fall to SFU, I’m looking forward to the little things that we missed out on. Planning how long it will take to get across the AQ to my next class, grabbing lunch at the café, strategizing to get the perfect seat in the lecture hall. However, after staying in the same comfort bubble of my home country for so long, I’m most excited about meeting new people!"
Jazmin, one of our Global Connections Program members (now a Community Leader!) shares her excitement about coming to campus this Fall!
Want to get involved and be a part of the Global Community? Join the Global Connections Program!
This post was originally on the SFU Global Community Instagram page on August 18th, 2021.