International Services for Students
Explore how the International Services for Students Team offers advising for international and newcomer students, events and workshops, Intercultural Engagment programs, and Study Abroad programs. Learn more by visiting the International Services for Students website.
Accepting a co-op internship, especially internationally, can be tough but once you earn the opportunity it can be a wonderful learning experience. Nikita was accepted for a UX design internship in Amsterdam and faced some unforeseeable challenges. Read on to find out some of the key lessons that Nikita took away from her experience.
Looking to succeed in Co-op while making the most of your experience? Natalia shares the best lessons she has gained her during co-op experience, and explains how to stay on top of your tasks while still enjoying the experience and having fun!
Are you thinking of studying in Canada? Are you about to arrive or have recently landed? Make the most of your experience with these tips for studying abroad.