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I’m a Communications major who’s always had a passion for broadcasting and journalism, so volunteering at the radio station has given me the chance to fuse those passions together. I pitch stories which are then produced and aired on the morning broadcast in the Public Affairs segment. The most rewarding part of what I do is hearing just how much people learn from the on-air content I produce. Although it can sometimes be challenging to juggle school, work, and volunteering, making sure that I’m proud of the work that I do on each story when it’s complete is my priority. The experience has allowed me to learn lots about radio content production, and to find my own voice. It’s important to me to highlight issues that would normally fall through the cracks, so over the course of my time at the station I’ve written stories about intimate partner violence, racism, Islamophobia and mental health. The only thing I regret about my journey thus far is not having gotten involved sooner.

visibility  116
Jan 29, 2018