Want to get involved with clubs on-campus? Emily takes a look at K-Storm, a club promoting involvement in Korean Culture to SFU students!
This is the SFU Club of the Week Series. From 2014-2015, Emily Co interviewed the presidents of 7 different clubs at SFU. Some of the clubs are no longer running, but serve as a reminder of the power of students. Gain inspiration from your peers, as they have excellent stories to share regarding work inside and out of the SFU community. In this series, you will read about various clubs that pertain to your interest as a student. Whether you are looking for something related to your field of study, such as Marketing, looking to connect with a culture or contributing to society as a whole, this series gives you the ins and outs of some of SFU's most popular clubs. Browse through these student stories, and learn about the clubs you can join and how you, too, can make a difference!