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SFU Student
Position Title

“I was hired as a work study student in Fall 2016 at the Autism and Developmental Disorders Lab (ADDL) at SFU. As a work study student, I was able to work on-campus part-time while gaining valuable insight and experience in a psychology research lab. During my work study position, my passion for psychology and working with youth was fortified; I knew that I wanted to become a clinical psychologist, and I was set on achieving the academic and career goals necessary. I continued to work in the ADDL, becoming the Lab Manager in a year’s time and beginning my own research for my Honours degree. Under the guidance of Dr. Iarocci and the graduate students at the ADDL, I have completed my undergraduate degree and am now one step closer to my goal of becoming a psychologist.” ⁣

Troy Boucher is a recent graduate from the Psychology Honours program with a minor in Educational Psychology. A member of the Métis Nation of Alberta, he was the lab manager of SFU’s Autism and Developmental Disorders Lab and also played as a goaltender on the SFU’s Men’s Lacrosse team.

This post was originally posted on the SFU Psychology Instagram on October 25, 2019.