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I came to SFU as a transfer student from a liberal arts program at another school. I decided to get involved with the Communication Student Union because I wanted to do more than just attend classes as a university student.

I love that my role allows me to plan fun and engaging events for Communication students at different stages of their degree. The most rewarding part of my role is seeing these events come to fruition and hearing from attendees about how the events affected their decisions, career-wise or academically. Ultimately, my goal is to enrich the university experiences of other Communication students.

Joining CMNSU has taught me to connect with others and foster meaningful relationships with them. I’ve also been able to refine my administrative skills which I’m sure will be really helpful in my career path. If you're not sure whether volunteering is for you, I would recommend testing the waters by taking on short-term responsibilities like being a Frosh leader. There’s no need to be afraid, just go for it!

visibility  127
Nov 27, 2017