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Ruth Wahyudi

SFU Student Undergraduate
Health Sciences › Chronic & Infectious Diseases

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I am currently working in ALS Global as a lab assistant. I have been working with them for almost 8 months and they have taught me how to be cautious in every environment you are working in, especially working inside a lab. I am mostly working with different kinds of acid and ALS taught me that safety and cautious of surroundings is the most important thing to do since health is number one. It has been such a good experience to be able to work inside of a lab and understand many aspects of how digestion production works such as fusion and transferring methods.

Working in ALS has increased my skills of communication and time management. Communication is a skill that I really need to have in order to be able to work in a team environment and bring success towards the company and myself. When working in a lab and doing many sets, time management is a very important skill to have in order to make sure that you have finished all your sets in time. I've been given the opportunity to be able to practice my time management skills while in training and I achieved more than I thought I could have done.

I am thankful to be able to work in ALS with a strong team lead, managers and co-workers. They have helped me with any struggles that I faced during my training and during a day-to-day basis. At first I was scared to talk or to even ask questions about what to do but they welcomed me and made sure that I was comfortable and reassured me that they are willing to help in a time of need. So, don't be scared to ask if you need help to ensure you are doing your work correctly.

This co-op experiences as a lab assistant has really help me build up my communication and time management skills. It also provides a perspective on what it is like to work in a lab. It will be such a good and memorable working experiences. So, if you want some new lab experiences, ALS Global is a great lab to build and improve your skills.



Ruth Wahyudi

SFU Student Undergraduate
Health Sciences › Chronic & Infectious Diseases
visibility  264
Feb 27, 2024