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by Career & Volunteer Services

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Looking for work
Man looking at a resume
Unique Resumes – How Far Is Too Far?

Students are consistently hesitanant to make their resume “stand out” visually.  It’s seen as a risk – that if one too many steps away from ‘normal’ is taken, the seriousness of the document will be somehow irrevocably compromised.

A picture of a terrified girl
Fear Helps You Make Decisions

How do you make important decisions? I’ve been reminded in my visits with students of the difficulty that can be a part of making big decisions. I’ve also been reminded that when working with people struggling with a choice, it can be challenging to reign in the impulse to push for one direction or the other.

Picture of a young male child cowering in fear.
Fear Helps You Make Decisions

How do you make important decisions? I’ve been reminded in my visits with students of the difficulty that can be a part of making big decisions. I’ve also been reminded that when working with people struggling with a choice, it can be challenging to reign in the impulse to push for one direction or the other.

a person gift wrapping
Make a Difference This Holiday Season

There is no better time to think about helping others than during the traditional season of giving. And because many charitable organizations kick into high gear during the holidays, there is no shortage of opportunities to contribute your time and talents. So why not try volunteering this holiday season?

Handshake neon lights
Use Empathy to Master Your Next Job Interview

Busy week! Sometimes it seems like there’s a never-ending stream of students to see, employers to contact, people to follow up with, meetings to attend, and… well, blog articles to write!

A woman reaching out and touching the shoulder of a man
Empathy for Personal Growth and Beyond

Students in counselling psychology become very familiar with the term “empathy."The message that empathy is the cornerstone to successful therapy is pounded into your brain until you stop asking how or why it’s important, and start accepting it as a fact.

Officials around a round table
Post-Graduation Work Permit Program: What You Need to Know

Attention to all international SFU students! Are you preparing to enter the Canadian workforce soon? If so, the transition has just been made easier for you, courtesy of the federal government.

 The crowd at the Special Olympics World Games Opening Ceremonies
Volunteering for Special Olympics: An Interview with Al-Rahim Habib

Special Olympics Canada is an organization dedicated to enriching the lives of people with intellectual disabilities through positive sports. Al-Rahim Habib, an SFU student is finishing his B.Sc. in Health Sciences this semester, is currently volunteering for Special Olympics BC, a chapter of Special Olympics Canada.  His goal is to one day become a medical doctor.

Person wearing a shirt with the word Volunteer
Volunteer Tips: Getting Started & Online Search

Want to find a meaningful volunteer opportunity but don’t know where or how to start? Check out Francisco’s tips on getting started in your volunteer search and online resources to help you find what you’re looking for.

An Alternative to “Selling Yourself”

Have you ever been told that you have to “sell yourself” in order to succeed in finding a job?  Are you a reserved, overly modest introvert who shudders at the idea of “talking yourself up” to others?  If yes, then you’re in the same camp as me, and a whole lot of other generally nice, well-meaning people.

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High Demand for Math Undergraduates

It's time to re-evaluate what the traditional definition of a degree in mathematics means. With complementary studies in business, computing science and more, mathematics undergrads are in high demand as they bring a diverse set of skills to the workplace. What do employers love about students studying for a degree in math? Read on to find out more...

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High Demand for Math Undergraduates

It's time to re-evaluate what the traditional definition of a degree in mathematics means. With complementary studies in business, computing science and more, mathematics undergrads are in high demand as they bring a diverse set of skills to the workplace. What do employers love about students studying for a degree in math? Read on to find out more...

Table with things
Transferable Skills Pay the Bills

I wrote a little bit about my experiences working in restaurant kitchens part-time during my undergraduate degree. While I do enjoy reminiscing, I’m also aware that not all readers will benefit from such a personal discussion.Who wants to read about some guy washing dishes 8 or 9 years ago, anyway?

Two line cooks preparing food
The Value of “Meaningless” Part-Time Work

Not a lot of people have the luxury of being able to go through post-secondary education without holding down a job. I was one of those poor souls, slaving away at seemingly menial, shamelessly servile jobs to pay the proverbial bills, sacrificing my weekends, evenings, and summers for The Man.

5 Ways Working Overseas Benefits Your Career

“You’re going to teach English overseas eh? Sounds cool. So what kind of ‘real’ job are you going to do when you get back?” I hadn’t planned that part yet, but my friend’s comment stung a bit and made me second guess my decision. Maybe he was right. My overseas experience would be a useless footnote in my work history.

Helen shaking hands with another person
Find Out About Informational Interviews

There was a time when I didn’t know what informational interviews were. Little did I know that I could contact people who had positions that sounded interesting and ask about what they did! Can you imagine how shocked I was when I found out, I wondered why would anyone want to help me?

Open knowledge
Academia vs. Students – Disconnected

Something is very wrong.Maybe it’s just the “what does it all mean?” question that I find myself asking from time to time, without being able to come up with a satisfactory answer. Maybe it’s the existentialist in me coming out since I started reading R.D. Laing’s The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise.

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Twitter Vs. Carrier-Pigeon

We are now the post modernists. We are slowly moving away from the target population of advertisements into the strange and illustrious world of being grown-ups, having jobs, and being self sufficient.  We are also unfortunate enough to be the “in-between” generation in terms of technology.  Our parents, while inferior in email technology, excel at verbal communication.

two women talking to each other
How to Ask, Pick and Prepare your References

If you’re looking for a new job, applying to a graduate school or another program, chances are that you are going to need references to go along with your application, resume, and cover letter. You’ll learn how to ask people to be references, how to pick from your reference list and finally, how to guide your references once you’ve selected them.

A student
3 Reasons for Students to be Optimistic

I’d be lying to you if I said that there wasn’t a lot of talk out there about some pretty negative stuff related to the job market for students these days.  And, there’s probably good reason to be concerned: BC’s unemployment rate is currently a shameful 7.5% (higher in the interior), which is notably higher than the average unemployment rate of 6.0% for BC over the previous 10 years.

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Are Facebook Quizzes Undermining Real Assessment Tools?

You’ve just decided to take a break from those pesky readings for your class tomorrow morning.  Being the internet-savvy, Gen-Y, uber-connected student you are, you decide to log in to Facebook to see what your friends have been up to. And you see it, in all it’s unholiness:

A guy doing a flying kick
The Myth of the Dream Job – Defending Rationalism

“Did you notice that happiness happens less the more often you stop to find where it’s been hiding?” Stop dreaming! And get the dream job of your dreams. But not in your dreams – in your real life! The dream job of your future can become a dream reality NOW! Get out of your dreams, get into your dream career! Live your dream!

Woman in front a road sign
How to Not Regret Your Major

There I was, waiting for the next ridiculously overcrowded sardine can of a train on my way home after work last night, pleasantly minding my own business, leaning inconspicuously against the wall, when it caught my eye: a headline running across the big flat screen tv that Skytrain stations have these days: ‘Majority of People Regret Their Major in University,’ or something to that effect.

Portrait of Jamal
Volunteer Profile: Jamal Saad

My journey into exploring and seeking the right volunteer opportunities for my skills started right out of high school. I used my interest in and strong command of language by becoming a volunteer English as a Second Language (ESL) tutor at a conversation club downtown. 

Portrait of Robert
Student Profile: Robert Lutener. Filmmaker, Musician and Activist.

A few days before I transitioned from Vancouver to Montreal, I got the opportunity to meet 4th year political science Robert Lutener. On most days, Robert can be spotted at SFU Burnaby campus’ Highland Pub discussing university politics. However, what made me choose Mr. Lutener as an interview subject was the success that his recent documentary Up North: Conversations on the Impacts of Change has generated.

A person walking through an art gallery
Student Profile: Tanya on Her Experience With the Burnaby Art Gallery

If you’ve visited Symplicity recently, you may have noticed the volunteer opportunity being offered by the Burnaby Art Gallery.  The gallery is looking for docents –   energetic individuals interested in leading school tours of the gallery exhibitions and assisting students with creating art in a warm, supportive environment.  The position certainly caught my eye, and so I’ve asked the gallery if we could profile a former or current volunteer.

Colleen and Iris with AIESEC volunteers
Student Profiles: Colleen and Iris on their AIESEC Experience

As you’ll see below, AIESEC provides many students the platform to discover and develop their leadership potential. AIESEC is completely powered by students who volunteer their time. Its Global Internship Program allows students to acquire international work experience.

the author holding a glass of wine
Student Profile: Cheryl Tan On Her AIESEC Experience

AIESEC (pronounced “eye-sek”is the largest student-run organization in the world. It offers students the ability to gain leadership skills by promoting its Global Internship Program.  It prides itself as an international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential.

Students holding road signs
Can I Help You With Anything Else?

It was because of this very question that I landed on my current job today. I was then a student staff with SFU Student Development. The department played a central role in organizing campus events and programs, and to this day I am still amazed at my supervisor’s ability to accomplish everything she sets out to do. 

C.A.R.E. logo
Apply for C.A.R.E. SFU Global Travel Award: Volunteer Abroad with your Flight Costs Eliminated!

Let SFU and C.A.R.E Housing Society help you get there! C.A.R.E. Housing Society is a federally registered non-profit organization in Vancouver that uses Asia Miles donation to redeem airplane tickets for individuals who are travelling abroad to do civic engagement.