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SFU Student Undergraduate
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Photo of Angela Vannatter
"The most important point is I learnt that it really is possible to find a position that is suited to you and your interests if you put in the work and hustle to get yourself a resume you would feel confident in to apply to these jobs."

Every year the Communications Student Union (CMNSU) strives to help students reach their fullest potential on their journey through school but also in their post-University lives. As this year comes to a close and many of you are finishing up your degree, the looming question of “What are you going to do after school?” becomes more real than ever. Fortunately, the CMNSU is here for you! Every year we put on the best networking conference a Communication student could dream of. Careers in Communications (CIC) offers students the opportunity to meet a diverse group of industry professionals that are able to answer all your communication questions! Still not convinced? Angela Vannatter attended CIC and ended up getting the job of her dreams! Keep reading to find out all about Angela’s experience at CIC last year and how it changed her life.

How Did CIC Help Advance Your Personal/Career Goals?

“CIC helped me identify what I actually wanted to do in the first place. When I came across one of last years industry professionals, Laura Murray of Murray Paterson Marketing Group, an agency with only arts clients, I had no idea I could blend my studies with my personal passion, the arts, as I am particularly keen on music and theatre. I would have likely come across this organization way later in life, and perhaps too late in life if I hadn’t been involved with CIC 2018.”

What Was Your Biggest Takeaway After Last Year's Event?

“Attending CIC gave me the opportunity to build not only a business connection, but personal one with an industry professional I really admired and respected, ultimately granting me a position at her company.”

How Has Your Life Changed Since CIC Last Year?

“CIC essentially changed the trajectory of my career and life forever, I cannot overstate how thankful I am for the opportunities it gave me to meet Laura Murray, as well as other professionals I am still in contact with as I am now working and gaining experience in a Communications role while I finish my undergraduate degree that is fulfilling and has opportunities for growth post-grad.”

What Would You Say to Someone Who is on the Fence About Going to CIC?

“This event is designed for people to try out networking for the first time. With the round table discussions you get the opportunity to be comfortable in Q & A group setting, then continue these discussions with an IP with open networking one on one if you want to know more and further foster a potential connection. The structure of the event itself aims to prevent anxiety from being induced.”

Why CIC Over Another Networking Event?

“I would say there are little to no other opportunities to attend an event with such a vast amount of Communications professionals in one place from a diverse array of backgrounds (non-profit, marketing, design, PR, influencers, branding, corporate, environmental, arts). It is so worth seeing what’s out there and this event makes it very easy as CIC brings a taste of almost every Communications field to you.”

What Was it Like Networking With the IP's? 

“Industry professionals were super approachable and thrilled to be talking to students, making the whole environment comfortable.”

What Surprised You The Most About Your Job? 

“I work in the field of Public Relations and Digital Marketing and have learnt that these fields in their applied work are vastly different from what students generally assume these positions entail. I had a very false sense of what PR was until I started working.”

What Have You Learned Most From Your Job?

“My writing has drastically improved working as a Communications Coordinator which has aided my school projects as well. I learnt how to really sell a story, how to market unique arts events to mainstream audiences. I learnt is that marketing is more than just a witty social media caption, that effective campaigns take weeks of brainstorming strategy, angles and approaches.”

Final Insights For Fellow Communication Students? 

“The most important point is I learnt that it really is possible to find a position that is suited to you and your interests if you put in the work and hustle to get yourself a resume you would feel confident in to apply to these jobs. Students are often afraid to venture out, try new things, gain applied experience. Getting applied experience is so immensely important, and is something I actually prioritize over my studies, which is so worthwhile.”

This article was originally published on the School of Communication Collective Blog website on June 22, 2022.

SFU Student Undergraduate
visibility  156
Jun 22, 2022

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