A typical day begins with arriving at the fit testing site with enough time to be able to set up the equipment to make sure everything is ready for the first staff member. I usually review the day’s schedule to see the booked appointments for the rest of the day, and if there were any messages or emails from staff members or colleagues that stood out and required immediate attention.
Once the staff members start coming in, most of my time is conducting fit testing. This includes explaining the fit testing procedure beforehand, its importance, and making sure they are comfortable and feel safe during the process. It is very important to show them the proper way to don and doff the respirators, as well as being able to adjust it to their liking so it feels comfortable enough on them. Throughout the fit test, I am observing the respirator’s fit on their face and making sure they are doing the proper techniques before proceeding to the next step. I am also documenting everything that is needed on the fit test report, which includes if they were able to detect the Bitrex or Saccharin testing spray, how many pumps of spray it took for them to notice it, and which respirator fitted perfectly for them.
Once the fit test has concluded, I use disinfecting wipes on the inside of the hoods, used pens, and the chair after every staff member. I then enter the fit test records into an online database so it can be available to access by their managers and any other VCH employee.
Throughout the day and in between fit tests, I am frequently communicating with my team and colleagues. This includes discussions about planning future fit tests, problem solving issues, or checking on each other to see if an extra hand for help is needed for their work.
The email inbox for my personal work email is constantly being checked as a timely response is much appreciated by colleagues, staff, and team members. It is crucial to be quick to respond because it shows responsibility, reliability, and effort.
At the end of each day, after the equipment is cleaned and the room is organized back to the original state, I briefly reflect on the day. If anything interesting or concerning has occurred, I would write the event down and bring them up to my supervisor where they would be glad to discuss and help figure out any issues if needed. There are always ways to improve and be more efficient in this job, as I continue to learn and problem solve during my solo and group fit test sessions.