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Goal Setting

A pug swaddled in a fuzzy blanket while placed on bed
Striving Towards My Goals While Struggling With Perfectionism and Burnout

You may be trying to balance your academic life with your hobbies and work. Feeling burned out is normal when trying to balance your life but you might not want to stop working hard because you built up momentum and still want to reach your goals. Christy knows first-hand how hard this can be. Find out how Christy worked through those struggles and prioritized her well-being while pursuing her dreams.

Kelly smiles next to a graphic that says, "Maximize Your Co-op".
5 Ways to Maximize Your Co-op Experience

Want to make the most of your work term and thrive in the position? Public Relations Intern Kelly shares 5 tips on maximizing your Co-op experience. 

person sitting beside a gold lamp, writing something down in their journal
What Learning Objectives Can Do For You

A successful Co-op work term can involve many factors, one of which is developing and working towards meeting your learning objectives. Developing a learning objective helps you to think about what you want to accomplish during your upcoming work term and begin developing a plan for how you’ll achieve success.

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