We, SFU HCS Health Peers, are here to share some books that inspired us to shift our perspectives and self-reflect. Get to know us while browsing a few book recommendations that spoke to us and helped us grow!
Melody Choi
Thich Nhat Hanh guides readers through fundamental Buddhist principles, from a secular lens, to emphasize the simplistic fulfillment that can be found in the present moment. This book shifted my perspective regarding the importance of remaining grounded amidst the stress of everyday life.
Christabel Leung
Vex King provides insights on how happiness can start presently, road to self-compassion, and how to shape your mindset from a self-destructive to a self-building one. This book taught me that I must prioritize my own well-being before I can be a listener and supporter to others, and the only person I should compare myself with is - myself!
Emma Juergensen
Brianna Wiest explores pursuing purpose over passion, embracing negative thoughts, and challenging cognitive biases that shape the way you view your life. I love this book because it is broken up into short essays, making it easy to take 10 minutes to read and reflect.
Jessica Kwuan
Atomic Habits written by James Clear breaks down the science of habits while providing a clear guide for how to instill good habits and tackle bad ones. My favourite aspect of this book is how simple Clear’s approach is through implementing practical strategies and simple changes to your everyday life.
Hannah Khoshno
Najwa Zebian shares her concept of finding a home within yourself by exploring self-love, awareness, healing, and independence. I admire Zebian’s use of storytelling as she shares her lived experiences as a Muslim woman immigrating to Canada from Lebanon as a teen and how she learned to find inner peace and happiness along the way.