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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Because together, we can make sure there’s room for everyone’s story.

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Equity, diversity and inclusion are the foundations of creating safe, welcoming and engaged environments. This topic is integral to personal development, as you you are sure to foster a stronger sense of empathy and respect after reading through these heartfelt and informative pieces.

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Aboriginal Employment Equity

Searching for a career can be an intimidating prospect. Looking for work requires self-confidence and faith in ones abilities, as well as skin thick enough to handle rejection. Add in fear of discrimination and it can be debilitating. This is why educating oneself about Canada’s Employment Equity Act is so important.

Picture of the medicine wheel
Grammi's Medicine Wheel

This is dedicated to my Grandmother, Marge Mackie. She has the strongest spirit of anyone I know…and I’m just like her…

Glenda during her lecture
From Speech Impairment To Motivational Speaker

While sitting at the airport gate last July, waiting to board the plane to Portland and then onto San Jose where I was scheduled to deliver two presentations on web accessibility, I wondered, "How did I, an individual with a significant speech impairment and a physical disability, get here?"

Why Join the Canada Revenue Agency?

The Canada Revenue Agency offers motivated individuals a challenging, interesting, and diverse workplace that will help you develop skills and advance your career. If you are looking to gain valuable work experience in a federal organization, make the CRA your employer of choice.

A person flexing
Just Like Bunko: Learning Strengths

Everyone has weaknesses. But its focusing on your strengths that grant you success in life.

A woman flying away
International Students: Break Through The Wall That Blocks You!

Are you an international student that feels like there is a wall that stops you from moving forward? Are you trying to improve your language level, but feel embarrassed communicating in English? You're not the only one. But there are people who are reaching their goals. Find your inspiration and become one of them.

A person working on their laptop in a coffee shop
How To Use Interviewstream To Land The Job

Interviewstream has compiled a database of extremely relevant questions, similar if not identical to what professionals would ask you.

multiple pieces of a deconstructed electric razor
The Key to a Great Cover Letter: Deconstructing the Job Description

Feeling nervous or unqualified as you apply for a job? Struggling to set yourself apart? Learn how to deconstruct the job description so that you can feel comfortable marketing yourself in your cover letter!

a flatlay of a piece of paper with a pencil and a pencil sharpener
Put Your Cover Letter at the Top of the Stack

While it may take a while to master it, keep working on your cover letters and continue to try new things. Writing cover letters is an art -- the only way to get good at them is through practice.

a woman smiling with her work screen in the background
How To Make Your Resume Stand Out

Your resume represents many things. It is a slice of your life that highlights to an employer the most relevant things you’ve done, experiences you’re proud of, and the skills you’ve acquired. Still, writing one can be tough! Fortunately, there's one thing that can help you write an amazing resume: the job posting!

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FREE Jobpostings: Aboriginal Issue

Aboriginal inclusion in the workplace is a crucial part of the overall discussion that is taking place around diversity and inclusion in the current Canadian jobs scene. At Jobpostings, we commend those companies that support workplaces where everyone— especially those within the Aboriginal community—can be their authentic selves.

Two women shaking hands
Top Ten: Best Ways to Make a GREAT Impression

The Co-op advisors at SFU are in the unique position of hearing from both employers and students about what makes a successful work term. Paulette Johnston has a list of ten simple ways to get off on the right foot.

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Assembly of First Nations A Call to Action

Investing in First Nations is not only a benefit to the social, cultural and economic well-being of First Nations communities, it is also a long-term and sustainable stimulus plan for Canada’s economy. Statistics Canada has predicted that Canada will face a labour shortage by 2017 as baby boomers retire and there are fewer workers to replace them.

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Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre

The Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, a non for profit charitable organization, has been meeting the needs of aboriginal people making a transition to the urban Vancouver community since its doors opened in 1963. Read about one 17 year-olds summer experience.

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Warriors Against Violence Society Program

We believe there is a need to restore the traditional Aboriginal values of honour, respect and equality. The Circle of Life includes elders, lifegivers, men, and youth. All have a right to live in non-violent families and communities.

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BC Ideas

BC Ideas is an online competition, which asks British Columbians like you to bring forward innovative ideas and programs that address the challenges facing our province.

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[Indigenous Employer] Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) is dedicated to providing financial services to North American Indian, Inuit and Metis people through our Aboriginal Banking Team. Join this team of experts and you’ll bring the new skills and training we provide to help meet the changing and diverse needs of the people in your community.

Picture of Jessica reading
SFU Opens Up New World for Jessica Humchitt

The Aboriginal Pre-Health Program is a bridging program designed for Aboriginal high school graduates and mature students. The program helps students explore health career options and get the academic prerequisites they need to pursue post-secondary health or health science programs such as nursing, midwifery, or public health. 

bruce smiling
Bruce Dumont: How to Become a Métis Politician

"We lived the Metis life as my father hunted and trapped when he wasn't
 working to keep the family fed. My mother tanned hides, did beautiful beadwork and made clothing and bedding. We danced to the fiddle and sang." Read Bruce's story of how he became President of Metis Nation BC.

Two girls holding custom-made SFU book bag and pencil case
Health Sciences Engagement Improves Lives

After their four incredible months in India, the girls are finally back. This Co-Op inspired them so much so that they have decided to take the initiative to start their own fun-raiser for Destiny Reflection. Read on to find out what they have been doing since they got back and how the experience has changed them. 

Children that Danielle worked with
Danielle's International Co-op Journey: Hope Found in Haiti

Danielle Jeong's trip to Haiti was a self-exploring and life-changing journey. Read about her work at a local clinic and how this experience challenged herself in ways she did not think was possible, while discovering she is and finding a purpose for her studies at SFU.

An array of fruits laid out on the ground while a man on the side bends down to pick an apple up
Our Neighbourhood: Gariahat, Kolkata

Martyna provides a quick tour of the neighbourhood where the SFU Health Sciences Co-op Team is living in. From fresh fruit stalls to unusual afternoon traffic, take a look at what the girls have been up to in India. 

A picture of actor Justin Rain standing in front of a grey wall
We’re All Actors: CSI Interviews First Nations Actor Justin Rain

“Whenever there is an opportunity to share my experience with people, it usually doesn’t take much for me to jump on board,” states Justin Rain when I ask him about his experiences at a recent event co-hosted by Career Services and the Indigenous Student Centre, “Indigenous Peoples’ Career Stories.”

Eiffel Tower
Five Ways to Gain International Experience

Interested in International Opportunities? SFU has many ways to get involved regarding volunteering, co-ops and mentorships. Read on to discover the many ways you can gain international experience while at SFU.                                                                                                                                   

Two women smiling at the camera while they make food
Lunch Time Bonding

It's been three months since their arrival in India. The girls look back at their initial experiences and how far they have come since then. Martyna shares their interaction with the girls at Destiny Reflection and her thoughts on being surrounded by such powerful women. 

A large group of people walking towards the Golden Temple situated on a lake
From Amritsar to Sonagachi

Have a sneak peak at the girls' quick getaway visit to Freeset, an organisation similar to Destiny Reflection, located in Kolkata's red-light district. While they were there, they managed to visit some wonderful sites such as the Taj Mahal and the Golden Temple. 

Table and chairs lined up in a classroom with classroom paraphernalia on the tables
The Archana School for Girls

Martyna, Lindsay, Christine and Silvia share their visit to the Archana School for girls and what they have learned from this invaluable experience. 

Poster with a list of services provided: CT Scan, Digital X-Ray, Ultrasound

As the girls further their learning experience in Kolkata, they come across new findings and lessons everyday - either from each other or from their new surroundings. In this entry, Christine shares her thoughts on a Gender and Health seminar the group participated in and how that has helped her develop a better understanding of Indian culture. 

Silvia, Lindsay, Christine and Martyna smiling at the camera with their co-worker, Diya
SFU Health Sciences Takes India!: Introductions

Meet the girls! Martyna, Silvia, Lindsay and Christine introduce themselves here by telling us about their hobbies, their likes and dislikes and what they love about India so far. Get to know them and follow them on an arm chair journey around India! 

Dog standing next to basket with ducks in it
Misconceived Perceptions About India

We all have our own sets of biases and preconceived notions, but unless we experience things first hand, they are merely based on conjecture and not facts. Martyna is here to break down some common misconceived perceptions about India by providing a comparison between horror stories she's heard from friends before leaving and the true reality of living in India. 

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