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Roune Lake Treatment Centre Logo
Knowledge is freedom, success is a choice! Become a part of the solution.
Picture of Round Lake Treatment Centre

Native Interior Drug and Alcohol Abuse Society President, Norma Manuel welcomes you to the Round Lake Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centre.

Round Lake Treatment Centre is an accredited 36-bed alcohol and drug abuse treatment facility located on the Okanagan Indian Reserve near Vernon in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley. Programs in addictions treatment are offered to clients from throughout the province, with a focus on holistic healing and First Nations’ culture. It is situated in a private, park-like setting on the edge of scenic Round Lake.

Round Lake Treatment Centre is funded by the Governments of Canada and British Columbia through grants provided by First Nations & Inuit Health Branch (federal) and Interior Health Authority (provincial). Round Lake provides residential addictions treatment for persons in recovery. Find out how to become part of thier team.

Round Lake Treatment Centre is fully accredited with the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.

Their Inspiration

"After attending Round Lake Trauma Program, there were many positive changes in my life. I looked at life differently and appreciated all my blessings. It was hard work while I was there but it was good work because this center provided me the tools I needed to come home to. The first thing they taught me before I left, I cannot change anyone just because I changed. I could not make anyone in my family want what I wanted. So many doors started to open for me when I got home but this change was difficult for my immediate family to handle. I soon realized that one program was not enough so a few years later I attended another Trauma Program in another Center. After living in dysfunction for so many years, it does take a while to continue on the Red Road. After care is really important but sad to say not all reserves have AA or NA on a regular basis. I pray that people who make up their minds to change their ways in a positive way realize Self Care is important. For myself two meetings a week helped me with my sanity and I started attending church on a regular basis. God Bless you all and welcome to a brighter future. Everyone has a purpose and a gift".

- Valerie Spence (Williams)

Staffing and Employment Opportunities

Round Lake Treatment Centre employs 25 full-time and 7 part-time staff members. In addition to Addictions Counsellors, we employ persons in the following areas: Client Support, Kitchen, Housekeeping, Buildings and Grounds Maintenance, as well as Administration. We accept resumés for all positions and will keep them on file for a six-month period. Please enclose a covering letter stating which positions you would be interested in applying for. In the event that an opening occurs in your area of preference, your resumé will be reviewed. Applications for specific postings will be kept for a one-year period.

E-mail applications will be accepted in .doc, .txt, or .rtf formats.

Employee Testimonials
Heather LaLonde, Client Support Worker
Portrait of Heather

Why do you work for Round Lake Treatment Centre?

After completing the RLTC  program I knew I wanted to come back to share my recovery and what I had learned with others.  I fulfilled the two year sobriety requirement and have been employed as a Client Support Worker ever since. Round Lake is the pre-eminent Native Addition Treatment Centre situated in a beautiful setting and I knew I wanted to be part of what they offer to people seeking wellness.

What I get out of working for Round Lake is constant growth, learning, challenge and the knowledge that I am doing something exceptional helping clients discover sobriety and a new way of life.  I get to watch people transform themselves which is enormously satisfying knowing that I played a part in that transformation.  I have the privilege of working with others committed to the same goals of helping our people and the continued success of Round Lake.

How did you get this position?

I had attended several treatment centres used different modalities but kept relapsing and life continued on a downward spiral.  In a last ditch effort to find recovery I was led to Round Lake Treatment Centre.  It was during my time there that the magic happened.  I received at Round Lake what I needed to stay on that road to recovery.  I believe the treatment plan there, based on the medicine wheel, allowed me to find that balance required for lasting recovery. 

What advice do you have for Indigenous graduates?

I discovered during my journey to recovery and my time at Round Lake that ANYTHING is possible.  I marvel still at how my life has changed coming from the depths of addiction to where I am now, helping others find their way, sharing all I have learned.  Believe in your dreams and one day at a time you will begin to realize those dreams. 

Thank you for the opportunity to participate.  Heather

Kevin Munn Counsellor
Picture of Kevin

Why do you work for Round Lake Treatment Centre?

I wanted to work for RLTC because I had heard of their highly regarded reputation in the treatment community. I was also intrigued, grateful and excited at the opportunity to build my knowledge and experience in cultural teachings and spirituality and to participate in conversations and team meetings of how we are able to share ideas and working together as a team improve and better our outcomes. It sounded to me that many positive opportunities would be open to me.  

What I get out of working at Round Lake Treatment Centre.

I feel honored that I am able to walk along side people on this part of their journey on the red road. I am grateful for the opportunity to build relationships of trust, I feel blessed that I am able to be myself. I am reminded that the disease of addiction is still out there stronger than ever and that not so long ago I was the person in treatment and I could be again, if I am not willing to do all the things I am asking the clients to do. I am also provided with the opportunity for continual learning.

How did my path lead me to this position?

After coming into recovery and building some long term quality sobriety, I wanted to give back what was so freely given to me. I have worked as an addiction counselor and life coach at other treatment centers, homeless shelters, communities and military bases. In gaining this experience I have been guided to discover what kind of environment I would like to work in and be a part of, and where my personality, skills, and knowledge may be put to the best use for positive outcomes. The creator guided and showed me the path to Round Lake Treatment Centre.  

Advice for Indigenous graduates.

I humbly and with respect suggest that graduates be:

  • Open and willing to include and share the cultural teachings and traditions that they were taught as children (if they are disconnected from teachings and traditions please be willing to get reconnected).

  • Know where they come from and who they are which is a very important part in knowing where they want to go.

  • Be willing to continually learn and remembering positive use of humor and how to have fun. (Laughter is a great stress reliever, can be a way to connect with people. Sometimes in this line of work if we don’t laugh we will scream.)

I am happy to answer any other questions that you may have or to explain my answers if required.

I am grateful for this opportunity to share with you;

Thank You for your interest in Round Lake Treatment Centre.

All my relations
Kevin Munn

Kalyn Scales, Nurse
Portrait of Kaylyn

Why did they want to work for Round Lake treatment center?

I wanted to work at Round Lake Treatment Center because as a nurse I really wanted to have the 1-1 nursing / client interaction which I have found to be very gratifying.  I am new to the treatment process and working with addiction.  Round Lake has been nothing but accommodating in my learning curve allowing me to sit in some of the program and group sessions. 

Working at Round Lake has truly been a very great experience.  The staff here are like family, everyone has been very helpful and understanding in helping someone like myself who is unfamiliar with addiction.  The site itself is beautiful, there is a wonderful peacefulness to the environment but also a very warm welcoming presence.  

How did you come to have this position? 

I am very new to my position at Round Lake.  I graduated from the LPN program in Kelowna in 2010.  I did a lot of residential/ long term care nursing as well as a bit of hospital nursing.  After moving to Vancouver for 1 year and experiencing some different kinds of nursing I decided to come back to the Okanagan.  I came across the ad for a nurse at Round lake and promptly applied.  I had heard nothing but great things about the center and although I had very little experience in this type of nursing I thought it would be an incredible opportunity.  After accepting the position I have been here for only 3 weeks and am so very grateful to be an employee here.

Advice they have for Indigenous graduates

Whatever job you really want can be yours if you want it badly enough!  Find out what qualifications you need and do everything in your power to garner the education and experience (even volunteer work) necessary.

Juanita Joe, Counsellor
Portrait of Juanita

Why do you work for Round Lake?

Wanting to work with Round lake has been a dream of mine long before I had the courage to fulfill it. I chose Round lake for the style of teaching it offers & what it means to the people who come here searching for cultural identity .

What do you get out of working at Round Lake Treatment Centre?

I continue to feel a part of the healing of not just the clientele but the nation of First Nations communities. Being here also continues to contribute to my own healing & my family’s healing.

I was a client to Round lake on more than one occasion. I had made a decision to hand my life over to the care of my creator. I became accountable & responsible to my own healing. I began to grow a desire to give back and be a part of something big. I decided to go back to school. I signed up to take a chemical addictions program.

I have just received my advanced diploma in addictions counseling. I came to Round Lake once again, this time as a counselor.  It has been an amazing journey and wonderful opportunity.

What advice do you have for Indigenous graduates?

Acknowledge your past to make room for your future. Always be mindful of the path your leaving for the ones behind you: your children, brothers & sisters, nieces and nephews your unborn grandchildren. Knowledge is freedom, success is a choice! Become a part of the solution.


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visibility  176
Aug 23, 2012

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