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An Interview with Trisha Dulku and Bulroop Chahal
A photo of Trisha and Bulroop
“It’s a tangible way to actually see the impact that you make. I think it’s one thing to read reports and look at quantitative data about the impact that you can make in a community, it’s quite another to see the look of inspiration and gratitude in a child’s eyes.”

Episode Description

Strong literacy skills are one of the most important early indicators of high school graduation. Through third grade, children are learning to read. After third grade students are reading to learn. A strong start in reading creates a foundation for further learning and higher educational attainment. Since 2014, SFU’s Racing Readers program has provided after school programming for at-risk youth in the diverse and growing South Fraser community. An after-school reading program, Racing Readers connects university and elementary school students to promote literacy, numeracy and physical activity amongst children grades two to five. A partnership between the Surrey School District and the SFU Surrey – TD Community Engagement Centre, the program will soon celebrate its five year anniversary. In this episode of Student Engage, we discuss the impact of the Racing Readers program with SFU Community Engagement Associate Trisha Dulku and Racing Reader program leader Bulroop Chahal.

Participants and Contributors
Photo of Taylor Mckinney
Taylor McKinney
A photo of Trisha Dulku and Bulroop Chahal

Beyond the Podcast

  • Want to learn more about how you can get involved in SFU's Racing Readers program? Visit the Racing Readers homepage

  • Interested in getting involved with your community? Visit the SFU Surrey - TD Community Engagement to find an opportunity near you. 

  • Discover how your community is engaging the world by following the Student Engage podcast on SoundCloud. 

visibility  338
May 13, 2019