"SFU is currently a Fair Trade certified campus, and as the SFU Fair Trade Coordinator I work closely with SFU Dining to ensure that Fairtrade products such as bananas, chocolate, and coffee remain a priority on campus. This also involves coordinating the Fair Trade Ambassador program, which is a unique group of student volunteers who lead initiatives aimed at promoting awareness of fair trade on campus.
I was very lucky to be one of two students sponsored to attend the CFTN Fair Trade Trip to Origin on behalf of SFU in November 2018. The trip provided me with a first-hand look at how Fair Trade was benefiting producers on the ground, and solidified my commitment to promoting fair trade on campus. Fair trade was allowing producers to thrive, not only financially, but psychologically as well -- through providing them a route to autonomy and democracy."
Elysha Fong is a fourth-year Psychology Major (Early Learning Minor) who currently works as the SFU Fair Trade Coordinator on campus.
This post was originally posted on the SFU Psychology Instagram on December 6, 2019.