These days, I often romanticize my life while biking to school along Swedish canals or munching on kanelbulle (cinnamon buns). I am currently writing from Malmö University in Sweden, taking a course in “Storytelling: Narration Across Media”, although so much of my learning has been outside the classroom. Alongside my courses, I have been exploring other cities, experiences which have enriched my exchange. One of the reasons why I chose Sweden is because it is in the Schengen Area, where travellers can move freely between certain European countries. Europe is also quite condensed, especially in comparison to Canada. To illustrate, I can ride a train from Malmö to Copenhagen, Denmark, in less time than it takes to Skytrain from Surrey to Vancouver.
So far this semester, I have had the opportunity to visit renowned art galleries such as the Louvre in Paris and Tate Modern in London. As an artist and writer, these gallery visits have been incredibly inspiring, although I have also been questioning the colonial and eurocentric values that have been embedded in my art education. The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion International Mobility Award (EDI IMA) has given me more freedom and flexibility to supplement my learning through additional travel. My adaptability and problem-solving skills have improved immensely from navigating new cities. We are only halfway through the semester and already, exchange has been full of life-changing adventures.