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Man looks at laptop disappointedly
Terae Walters

Episode Description

Welcome back to the ninth episode of On the Spot With the OLC! Dealing with rejection can be difficult and discouraging. Your hosts aim to initiate the conversation about failure and make it clear that everyone deals with it, no matter your age or experience. As young adults, it is important to look at failures as an opportunity to learn and move forward instead of giving up. Tune in to hear more about your hosts experiences on how they personally dealt with rejection and how they kept a positive mindset.

Topics explored in this episode include:

  • Defining rejection/ failure
  • How to deal and move forward
  • Tips to keep a positive mindset
  • What you can learn from failing

Opening music - "Cali" by Wataboi on Pixabay

Participants and Contributors
Headshot of Terae
Terae Walters
OLC Content Creator

Terae is a second year Communications student currently employed in her first co-op work term here with the SFU OLC team. With a history studying Motion Picture Arts at Capilano University, her interests surround creative storytelling and inspiring those around her. For this podcast she aims to initiate conversation about important and valuable topics that can be useful for all different types of people within the SFU community.

Headshot of Mehtaab
Mehtaab Gill

Mehtaab is a fourth year business student concentrating in finance and marketing. He is working on the SFU OLC team as a podcaster for the Fall semester and has recently become a licensed realtor. Mehtaab is passionate about giving back to the community and has been involved with several student organizations during his time at SFU. Mehtaab hopes to share his experiences through the various topics discussed on this podcast that can be valuable for students on their own personal journey at SFU.

Claire Brnjac
Audio Editing
Audio Editor
visibility  128
Nov 23, 2021