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Career Peer Educator
a meeting with one guy standing up presenting
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Coach Talks is a compilation of helpful tips and resources given by Stephen Kaita, a Career Peer Educator and a second-year International Studies and World Literature student. Topics can range from professional and personal development to a series of different career experiences. Read more to learn more from Stephen's experiences and explore a range of topics and resources. 

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Apr 8, 2015
a man talking on his phone
Reestablishing (Old) Relationships
Coach Talks Series

How do you reestablish old relationships you’ve lost touch with? Everyone changes, but the memories we have with people of years past are still there. This is an article on rebuilding broken networks and reconnecting with past personal and professional relationships.

a panel of recruiters facing the candidates
I Volunteer As… a Recruit?
Coach Talks Series

Have you ever thought volunteer opportunities can lead to your next job opportunity? One of the best ways to land your next job is to volunteer. This is an article on using volunteer opportunities as a strategic tool to get your next paid position.

a student is asking his professor/coach for advise
Can I Have Your Number (For a Reference)?
Coach Talks Series

Will your next volunteer organizer remember you? Our human nature is we lose some memories. But there are strategies to keep your references strong. This is an article on the importance of gathering references.

a coach in the fighting ring
4 Reasons to Become a Coach
Coach Talks Series

Coaches. We have had them since we were five-years-old in sports, academics, or life. Throughout the years, we learn from other people, and this has had an influence on who we become. This is an article on reasons to become a coach. 

SFU students looking at their laptop
A Letter to A Reader
Coach Talks Series

Why do you volunteer? There are many reasons why people volunteer for both professional and personal reasons. This is a personal article on why I volunteer at specific organizations. 

SFU students and staff dancing to Zumba in the Recreation Center
3 Floors Down
Coach Talks Series

I’ve worked in the sports industry for ten years, and to this day I still love it. This article is all about growth in one of my athletic sports positions, discussing my personal and professional experience, as well as a thank you letter to a good mentor of mine.

a woman laughing at something her colleague said
Chance Moments & Career Memories
Coach Talks Series

Have you ever experienced chance moments? It’s not about when you get chance moments, but more about how you respond to them. This is an article about learning about chance moments through the Career Peer Educator Program, as well as a thank you to Career Services for the last two years.

Multiple people posing on the stairs
Interview with the SFU Volunteer Services Coordinator About Engagement Peers
Coach Talks Series

Who are the Engagement Peers and what makes this SFU volunteer experience unique? Jack interviews Albert Fung, Volunteer Services Coordinator about his experiences with this peer group.

the author's portrait
We Are All Humans
Coach Talks Series

Asking for a reference is one of the most important parts to develop in your career. In addition, being a reference for a person can be interesting, especially if it is a cold call reference. My experiences getting references and being a reference have been at the extremes. This is an article referenced on NBC News.