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Health Sciences
SFU Student
Position Title
Story Faculty

The purpose of our club is to raise awareness and money for pediatric cancer research. Every year, we host an event called Balding for Dollars where attendees are encouraged to donate their hair in order to make wigs for cancer patients.

Although it can sometimes be difficult to find other students who are equally as passionate about this cause, we’ve done well so far. Volunteering in this way has given me a newfound sense of perspective.

At the end of the Spring 2017 semester, I attended the Balding for Dollars event at the BC Children’s Hospital and being there allowed me to see that this event is bigger than our club, and that it’s bigger than SFU.

I left inspired to become even more involved with achieving the organization’s aims. I know it sounds cliché, but if you’re thinking about becoming a student volunteer, just go for it!

Put yourself out there and allow yourself to pursue new opportunities in order to find what you’re most passionate about.

SFU Student
Connect with Aileen on LinkedIn
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Feb 26, 2018