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SFU Co-op Alumni
Bolivian flag in the desert

In the winter of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Palluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. She shared her diary entries with us, which you will find stories about Bolivia's beautiful culture, landscapes and must-see attractions. Follow along with Christiane's journey as she learns, grows and explores!

visibility  120
Mar 24, 2014
Image of beach; Copacabana
February: Arrivals and Carnaval Times

In the winter of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. She shared her diary entries with us, and part one is featured here.

Group of elderly Bolivians
February: A Little Bird Told Me

In the winder of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. She shared her diary entries with us, this is part two of her adventure.

christiane with co-workers
March: Arts and Culture

In the winter of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. She shared her diary entries with us, and we present the third insallment: Arts and Culture in March.

Christiane smiling
Spring: Those Little Places

In the winter of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. In her final instalment she shares some of her favourite places.