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Beedie School of Business
Business Co-op Program Manager

a person being interviewed by two interviewers
If you choose to do a senior co-op, we’ll get you to access to the very best jobs for qualified students and exclusive one-on-one coaching, something highly prized in the private sector.

You’ve completed 1 or 2 work terms and got some value from the pre-employment co-op workshops, mock interviews, resume and cover letter reviews with your coordinator.  Why should you pay $800/semester co-op tuition for a senior co-op (3rd, 4th, 5th) work term?

Before eliminating senior co-op as an option, decide for yourself what’s important.  Is it:

  • graduating early so you can look for a job while doing entry level work, with less work experience on your resume?

  • walking across the podium with your classmates, who 2 hours after graduation have little to no influence on your future? or

  • making the most of your options while at Beedie?

Here’s what you get if you decide to do senior co-op work terms:

  1. Access to intermediate and senior co-op roles posted by employers who will ONLY consider students who have completed a minimum of 2 or 3 work terms. These senior roles often go unfilled due to a lack of senior applicants. This is low hanging fruit. You just have to apply.

  2. Exclusive career coaching on how to leverage the skills and experience you gained in your 1stand 2nd work terms. We’ll coach you on tailoring your post-grad career, which often starts with your 3rd co-op employer.

  3. Professional feedback on cover letters and resumes for each job application by your personal Co-op Coordinator.

  4. In-person mock interviews for high stakes jobs you’ve been shortlisted for with your dream employer. Not something to approach lightly.

  5. Lower competition for higher status, higher-paying co-op jobs. These push your resume further into the professional realm; your status and pay will be higher over the long run.

  6. $3,000,000 liability coverage while on a co-op work term.

  7. Medical insurance coverage under your parents’ BC med plan as a registered co-op student.

  8. We got your back:  Trouble-shooting and support from your co-op coordinator should any issues arise.  Unpaid hours, unreasonable overtime, dangerous work situations, and harassment: we’ve assisted students and employers to work through awkward situations that could have legal ramifications for either party. If you’re not registered in Co-op and things go sideways, you’re on your own. The same goes for the employer. 

  9. The average income for a Business co-op student is $11K/semester. Co-op tuition is ~$800 which is  ~7%  your salary. If you see value in the above 8 items, consider pursuing a 3rd, 4th or 5th work term. Do the math, you’ll come out ahead.

If you choose to do a senior co-op, we’ll get you to access to the very best jobs for qualified students and exclusive one-on-one coaching, something highly prized in the private sector.  That’s $800 for exclusive career coaching and access to the best student jobs on the market; great value and not something I could afford after graduation. Can you?

Kick start your career before you graduate.  Do a senior co-op work term.  Go farther, faster.

Beyond the Blog

  • Are you a Beedie Business student looking to expand your career options? Connect with the Beedie Co-op program, here. 

  • Learn more about the benefits of co-op from students who've been there

Business Co-op Program Manager
Tanya Behrisch is the Manager of the Business Co-op Program who writes on topics relating to work place culture and enjoys using humor to teach job search success. She’s got a knack for job development in foreign countries, especially Germany and Japan.  What she enjoys most about her job are the 11 people with whom she works in Business Co-op, especially being on a supportive team of colleagues who care each other. Tanya paints coastal landscapes in oil and sells her work privately.  Currently she’s working on canvas 5 feet across, 3 feet high.  It keeps her on her toes and off of Netflix.  She’s a fiction hound, with a particular fondness for contemporary Canadian, UK, Indian, Australian and American writers. Reach out to her, she’d love to hear from you. You can find Tanya on LinkedIn.
visibility  112
Dec 14, 2018

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