In the winter of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. In her final instalment she shares some of her favourite places.
La Paz
In the winter of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. She shared her diary entries with us, and we present the third insallment: Arts and Culture in March.
In the winder of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. She shared her diary entries with us, this is part two of her adventure.
In the winter of 2013, SFU Geography student Christiane Pulluau trekked to La Paz, Bolivia to work with a CED (Community Economic Development) group. She shared her diary entries with us, and part one is featured here.