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SFU BPK Alumni
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Introducing Shreya Luthra!

What did you major in?

Biomedical Physiology.

What year did you graduate from SFU?


What is your current occupation?

Medical Student at UBC.

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to share with current SFU BPK Undergraduates?

“Take chances, try new things and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It is so important to take your undergrad years and find out what you love and what you are passionate about. And in the process, you even get the wonderful chance to meet like-minded individuals and build connections! As an undergraduate student, you have this unique and important opportunity to speak with mentors, engage in research, or even take on endeavors that you normally wouldn’t consider. By taking these leaps, you gain exposure to a wide variety of learning environments (ex. teaching, research, industry) and it is so important to do that to find out what you want to do with your degree after you graduate. Undergrad is all about the foundational years where you find out what really drives you and what goals you have. Personally, I hope every SFU BPK undergraduate makes the most of their time at SFU!”

Shreya was a panelist at the Discover BPK 2022 conference.

This post was originally sourced from Discover BPK Careers Night 2022

SFU BPK Alumni
visibility  434
Feb 3, 2022