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Volunteering is not only a great way to help others, it also has the potential to benefit your career.

The holidays are a busy time for everyone – there are gifts to buy, cards to mail and parties to attend. With all this merry-making, it can be easy to forget that there are many people who won’t be having a very jolly holiday season this year. Indeed, the holidays are an especially difficult time for those struggling with poverty, disability, serious illness or other challenges. It’s also a time of year when many organizations raise money for the upcoming year to support the activities and services they offer the community. With this in mind, why not lend a helping hand this season by volunteering?

There is no better time to think about helping others than during the traditional season of giving. And because many charitable organizations kick into high gear during the holidays, there is no shortage of opportunities to contribute your time and talents.

Going on vacation? Many holiday related volunteer opportunities don’t require a huge time commitment. So even if you only have a few days available this month, make the most of them by wrapping gifts for donations or sorting toys from a toy drive.

Volunteering is not only a great way to help others, it also has the potential to benefit your career. Many volunteer positions offer challenges on par with paid employment, meaning that volunteer experience can be an excellent way to round out your resume.

One of the easiest ways to sort through the different available opportunities is through searching an online volunteer opportunity database like GoVolunteer.

  1. Visit

  2. Select the region in which you would like to volunteer. (GoVolunteer services BC and Alberta only, however if you are elsewhere in Canada over the holidays and are looking for opportunities, check with your nearest volunteer centre through Volunteer Canada.)

  3. For holiday related opportunities, go to the “browse by activity” subsection. Click on Entertainment/Special Events and then find a position that interests you, listed under "Seasonal Assistance"!

  4. You can also search by organization type, location, and activity if you have a more specific opportunity in mind.

Here is just a sample of some of the great positions that have been available in the past:

Happy Hunting!

Beyond the Blog

  • Interested in finding other volunteer opportunities? Check out Symplicity for long-term and short-term volunteer opportunities, or search on

  • Already volunteering somewhere over the holidays? Create a volunteer profile on the OLC and share that experience with others!



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OLC Admin

SFU Staff
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Simon Fraser University
SFU OLC Administrator
visibility  68
Feb 9, 2011

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