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From anywhere across the globe, there is an opportunity waiting for you

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International experiences are an invaluable asset to your personal and professional development. SFU provides its students with many opportunities to study, work or volunteer abroad. As these stories show, when you travel internationally, you learn to step out of your comfort zone, embrace risk and become accustomed to different ways of living. Many of our SFU community have seized these opportunities, and in turn authored these stories, tips and strategies on how to prepare for your international trip, developing your cultural intelligence and building international networks.

"Why Would Ever You Choose to Work in India?”

India can be a catalyst for personal growth and a life-changing opportunity for those who are bold enough to explore beyond the tantalizing edge of that comfy, complacent comfort zone.

Real Talk: Is an International Co-op Worth It?

International Co-op is a great opportunity for you to work on self-reflection and personal growth. It pushes you into an unfamiliar and challenging situation wherein you must learn to adapt.

Lauretta in Stanley Park
Discovering Vancouver: 4 Hidden Gems

New to Vancouver? Discover 4 spots Lauretta discovered in her adventures around the city.  

man sitting at office desk holding dog
Why Co-op is the Most Important Thing You Can Do as an International Student

Being an international student from Bangladesh, I always felt that I did not have the necessary network to succeed in the Canadian workforce even though I feel strongly about my ability to work hard and grow. I felt anxious when looking at my peers who have been working in a job since the age of 16 whereas I was just getting started. This is when I was introduced to SFU Co-op. 

girl smiling in front of a white background
A Q&A with a Co-op Alumnus

Today we’re talking to Rifayat Raisa, who graduated in April 2021 from the MA Economics program. During her time at SFU she was able to complete a co-op with Policy Reporter as a Research and Reporting Assistant. With this role she was able to break into the health economics industry and is still with the company today. Continue reading to have a look into her experience with co-op and what she’s learned along the way.