“Research 101: A Manifesto for Ethical Research in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) began as an idea I had to create a space for a collaborative research project in the DTES. We aimed to develop community-created research questions, which later evolved into a workshop series that discussed research ethics in the heavily-researched community of the DTES. Folks from amazing community-run organizations in the DTES came together to share their positive and negative experiences with research in the neighbourhood, as well as what better, more respectful, and more ethical research practice could look like. There is tons of research occurring in the DTES. With this manifesto, we hope researchers can do more to ensure that they are developing positive and mutually beneficial partnerships with community groups, while also making sure that the research gets back to the community in a meaningful and accessible format.”
Scott Neufeld is a Social Psychology PhD student who worked with 15 other contributors in developing “Research 101: A Manifesto for Ethical Research in the Downtown Eastside." The accompanying workshop series that were held were sponsored by Hives for Humanity and SFU Woodwards. Scott is also involved as a Research Assistant at the BC Centre on Substance Use.
This post was originally posted on the SFU Psychology Instagram on September 6, 2019.