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SFU Student Services
Welcome Leader
Position Title

Over the course of my four years at SFU, I’ve spent a lot of time at the Burnaby campus. Around the beginning of my academic career, I made a point to get involved in extracurricular activities like clubs, faculty associations and student unions. I managed to pick up several survival tips and life hacks for being an SFU student, so I decided to become a Welcome Leader in order to share my love for and knowledge of SFU Burnaby with incoming students.

At the start of every term, we help new students get to know the university. Because SFU is viewed largely as a commuter campus, I love imparting tidbits of information that encourage students to stay up on the hill for a little bit longer after classes in order to take in all that our campus has to offer. This role has helped me learn to deal with people from all walks of life, backgrounds and dispositions in order to enhance their respective experiences at SFU.

SFU Student Services
Welcome Leader
visibility  159
Oct 30, 2018