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Christina Coolidge
Communication, Art + Technology › Communication
SFU Student

Christina Coolidge is currently attending SFU as a graduate student in the department of Communications. She is the Indigenous Program Researcher with the Career Services department. Christina is a member of the Tsleil-Waututh First Nation and her matrilineal ancestry includes Metis (Cree and Scottish) from the Red River area. She hopes to help build a bridge between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous communities in order to better understand one another and to live together in a spirit of unity.


Title Content Type Authored Views Likes Saves
Idle No More: An Example of the Power of Social Media 2013-01-26 436
An Education 2013-11-11 138
Indigneous Peoples Career Stories 2013-02-04 138
Indigenous Peoples Career Stories: Employer Networking 2013-02-07 130
Indigenous People's Career Stories 2013 2013-03-03 591
Encouraging Our Youth 2013-03-09 129
Aboriginal Employment Equity 2013-03-11 186
Indigenous Student Transitions | Part One 2013-03-17 155
Indigenous Student Transitions | Part Two 2013-04-01 120
My Mother's Daughter 2013-05-22 149
Our History is Your History 2015-05-27 120
Q & A with Princess Temple 2013-06-02 166
An Elders Teachings on Being a Student 2013-06-04 153
Honouring Feast at SFU 2013-06-24 101
Aboriginal People with Degrees in Education 2013-06-28 147
Randy Jack 2013-06-28 176
But For the Grace of God, Go I 2013-08-02 132
A Tribe Called Red 2013-08-22 142
Aboriginal Appropriation 2013-08-15 147
Aboriginal Student for a Day Event 2013-09-11 140
What Did You Do This Summer? 2013-09-14 92
A Walk to Remember 2013-09-22 81
To Vote Or Not To Vote: Three Debates 2013-09-27 127
Aboriginal Advancement with UA Local 170 2013-10-07 128
Walk the Talk 2013-10-19 129
5 Tips for Success in the Workplace 2013-11-11 171
What Does it Take to be an Aboriginal Inclusive Employer? 2013-11-11 107
Haida/Kwakwakw’wakw Artist and Business Owner, Nalaga 2013-12-02 228
Applying for Graduate Studies 2013-12-11 131
Volunteer for Aboriginal Not-For-Profits in Vancouver 2013-12-12 205