My experience at BC Hydro has been exceptionally valuable, and has aided me in both my professional and personal development. Hearing from various people that “BC Hydro is an excellent company to work for!” throughout my educational career – I can proudly confirm that the statement is true. I thought this was an entirely good experience, and enabled me to develop professionally and personally.
Most Valuable Aspects of This Experience
While on study terms, I often found it difficult to vizualise how the topics we learn are applied in practice. It was too easy to tunnel vision into certain topics while studying, and not understand how it fits into a big picture. In a classroom, most deliverables revolve around theoretical scenarios that are graded by instructional staff. For example, if you make a calculation error for a project, typically the worst that would happen is that you receive a lower grade for that deliverable. This usually affects only myself, and any group mates. The scope seems small, and on a personal level.
With BC Hydro being a large company with huge province-wide projects, I had the opportunity to see how things that are taught in school are used in the ‘real world’, and how they directly benefit society, or massive groups of people.
During my term, I would attend meetings where engineers and consultants discuss the construction and progress of Site C. Everyone had to meticulously consider every detail of the dams’ development, no matter how small something may seem. If any errors were made or overlooked, it would have the potential to cost thousands (or millions) of dollars, put the publics’ safety at risk, or disrupt a construction timeline. All of which affect much more than just one person, or a small group of people.
Seeing this in practice really showed me first-hand how much responsibility engineers have, and how they must be both accountable, and confident in their work. Engineering documents are passed through the hands of dozens of engineers and professionals for approval, before they are constructed.
Towards the end of my term, I was lucky enough to have had the chance to visit Site C, and I could see the project I have contributed to - right in front of me! The site visit taught me a lot, and seeing the dams’ construction with your own eyes was the only way to truly illustrate the scale of the project, and the engineering feat that it is.
Connection to Academic Studies or Career Goals
This co-op placement has further narrowed down what I may want to pursue after graduation. I really enjoyed working for a big company, amongst many professional engineers and experts in the field. Due to my placement having a large emphasis on project management, I would also be looking forward to the possibility of taking any courses or doing further work with Owner’s Engineering, or project management.
Advice for Future Students
BC Hydro is a great place to work, and there are many different departments and areas to work and grow within. I recommend applying early, and directly through their portal. The interviewing and hiring process is rather slow, and they get many applicants. Good luck!