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An interview with Akanksha Thakur

A photo of Akanksha Thakur
“He says to me in Hindi 'I hope one day I will have the opportunity to go to school, or at least send my little brother to school, just like you'. Then the signal turned green and - you know - we drove away. But that sat with me - I was so young but it was the first time I was really faced with my privilege.”

Episode Description

In a world that is increasingly interconnected the need to build inclusive communities has never been greater. While polarization along lines of race, culture, nationality, and belief seem to be everywhere we look,  it is important to note the countless individuals working in parallel to build a more inclusive future. In this episode we discuss communicating across cultures with Akanksha Thakur. 

Participants and Contributors
Headshot of Taylor
Taylor McKinney
Akanksha Thakur
Akanksha Thakur


Beyond the Podcast

  • Visit SFU's iBelong website for learning tools and educational resources on intercultural communication. 

  • Interested in learning more communicating across cultures? Sign up for the Effective Intercultural Communication course. 

visibility  860
Dec 4, 2018

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