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Health Sciences
SFU Co-op Student
White concrete castle in Kolkata during sunset
Image Credit
Martin Jernberg on Unsplash

In fall 2008, Kali Penney went on a three month journey as a volunteer Co-op student working with Sociol Legal Aid and Research Training Centre (SLARTC) in Kolkata, India. She worked along side SLARTC, and other organizations in their geriatric and adolescent health, human trafficking and rights and HIV/AIDS fields.

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Feb 22, 2011
a part of the Kolkata city line
Arrival in Kolkata, India

Kali Penney had three missions when she left on her volunteer co-op to India; to survive living in a developing country for 3 months, to learn about major health issues in Kolkata, India, and to complete work that will have a continuing impact long after she has left the country. In her first article, Kali recounts her arrival in India and introduction to the local culture.

smiling woman from Kolkata, hand on her forehead
Learning Indian Lessons

In the second installment of her series, Kali encounters some of the challenges of an international Co-op term. Find out how her determination led her to an amazing experience with Socio Legal Aid and Research Training Centre in India.

Kali surrounded by women
Getting Comfortable in Kolkata

In the third entry of her series, Kali is getting comfortable with the daily routines of living and working in Kolkata, India. Through her research into adolescent health, she developed and delivered workshops for young women on nutrition and exercise.

Children in colourful clothing playing a game
Reflecting on a Life-Changing Co-op Term

In the fourth and final entry of her series, Kali reflects on her final weeks in India working at Destiny and the Socio Legal Aid and Research Training Centre, as well as taking time to travel and appreciate all that India has to offer before heading home to Canada.