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SFU Co-op Student
girls standing in a circle holding a multi-coloured sheet over their heads
Image Credit
Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

Rachael Hutchinson, a BPK student, wrote this three-part blog series detailing her experience as a Co-op student at Camp Squamish. Stressful, emotional, and fun, Rachel's experience is something you don't want to miss. Rachel learned lessons on accessibility, and providing a safe space for disabled children, but also about her own career goals and aspirations. Follow this three-part series to learn as Rachel did, all while gaining insight on working for a camp! Who knows, maybe this will be your next co-op!

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Aug 11, 2013
A close-up of a t-shirt often worn at camp, outlining the steps to the camp song
Orientation and Training

In the first of a three-part series, Rachael begins her summer Co-op at a BC Easter Seals camp. Follow along as she goes through training and orientation, explaining the most strenuous, emotional and inspiring parts of her journey. 

Camp spelled out with people
The Campers Arrive

In the second of a three-part series, Rachael welcomes Easter Seals campers to Squamish, and offers advice to anyone thinking of spending the summer at camp.

Hands painted making a heart shape
Career Exploration

In the final entry of her Easter Seals Camp series, Rachael reflects on her summer spent in Squamish, sharing what she learned about herself, and her career path.