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by Career & Volunteer Services

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There is a title "Working in the Non-Profit Sector". At the bottom left cornerof the image, there is a logo for SFU Work Integrated Learning.  Volunteer Services and Career Services are located at the bottom right corner.
Working in the Non-Profit Sector Panel: A Rewarding Career Path?

2010 EVENT RECAP: How do you acquire a successful and rewarding career? For five professionals, it was working for community organizations in the non-profit sector. The non-profit sector gave them the opportunity to contribute their professional skills, experiences and passions to advance their career while making a positive difference in their communities. Recently, they sat down with SFU students and shared their personal stories and journey to their current positions.

Kids playing soccer
Vancouver Police Athletic League – Engaging Youth, One Game at a Time

The PAL is opened to all youth; however, there is a focus on kids who come from lower socioeconomic statuses or more vulnerable backgrounds. As mentioned earlier, one of the great things about PAL is that it is free of cost.

A girl is looking at the computer screen.
Cover Letters: The Beginning Is All or Nothing

Has someone ever told you that your cover letter needs to have an “eye-catching” and interesting beginning? Well, this is no myth.  Recently, my sister who works in Human Resources has told me horror stories about the cover letters that she is subjected to reading.

Sticky note with the word happy
The Happiness of Subtraction

Money, material possessions, a great job, time, even love... I would argue that adding any of these to your life is not the key to happiness.  No, adding anything is not the way to go. Instead, let's think about subtraction.

New Semester Resolutions

If you are like me, you make new semester resolutions at the start of every term. If you are like me, many of these resolutions are lofty, vague, and eventually unfulfilled. By setting SMART goals, can acheiving my goals actually be possible?

Eddard Stark
Stubborn or Persistent? A Stark Difference

Like most things, persistence is something of a double-edged sword: it can be either a huge strength when applied in a constructive direction, or an outright flaw when clung to too tightly in situations that call for more flexibility. Like Ned Stark's honour, it can earn you respect and carry you to high places, but it can just as quickly get you into serious trouble.

Johnny on the phone
Feel Limited By Your Major?

How accurate are you in predicting what a person’s career would be based on what they majored in university? Read a list of some of my close friends’ careers.  Can you guess what their university majors were? Take this quiz and match the job title to the university major:

Lazy cat
Procrastination Problems? Maybe Not...

If you're human, you'll admit to having procrastinated about something. If you're an honest human, you'll admit to having procrastinated about a lot of things. I'll even go out on a limb and say that you've often put some salt in that wound and felt guilty about your procrastination. So what are you going to do about it?

A photo of three people smiling while working with laptops open
Dream, Dream, Dream...

For some of us, pursuing our dreams might be completely out of our comfort zone.  We’re happy to work in jobs we feel are our “best option” at the time.  The problem with this is that we become complacent and our motivation and passion slowly start to dwindle.

A photo of two women talking while smiling at each other
Get An Edge In Your Career Through Mentorship

Having someone who is willing to share their experience with you can make a big difference, however cliché that may sound. Despite many obvious benefits, mentorship has been cited as one of the least-utilized tools for advancing one’s career. With that in mind, learn how to form and sustain a meaningful relationship with your potential mentor.

A photo of a pair of hairdressing scissors
Career Stylists & The Power of Metaphors

It's thought provoking to ask, if you haven't already, "how would I describe what I do if someone asked me to be as succinct as possible?" It wouldn't be succinct at all to describe all the things you do on a daily basis, your responsibilities, your accomplishments, your significance. Nor would it be descriptive enough to only talk about a small subset of those things. So, how can we possibly do this question justice?

A photo of Sigmund Freud
My Fascination With Sigmund Freud

Of all the posts I’ve written, the one that seems to consistently get the most page views is this one on strengths and weaknesses, Freud, and Alfred Adler. I guess there’s a lot of psychology students out there scouring the web in search of information on how these two prominent historical figures viewed the issue.

Image of Yat with other students at SFU
Leaving an Imprint

During the past five years at SFU, Yat has been asked multiple times: what do you want to become after you graduate? Every time, he would hesitate before answering. He didn’t have an exact position he wanted to be in, nor did he know whether he would have the skills for whatever that ended up being. Hence, his typical answer: “I don’t know.” To many, uncertainty is uncomfortable. Read more to learn how Yat overcame uncertainty, and left an imprint. 

A photo of four people smiling
Four Tips For A Successful Co-op Experience

Co-operative Education can be an excellent way of enriching your academic experience and narrowing down your potential career options. Employers increasingly cite real-life or internship experience as one of the most desirable qualities in applicants.

A photo of money on fire
Money Makes You Less Motivated

Money is a terrible motivator. If I were to say to you, “Reader, I’d like you to come up with a creative way of solving this problem we have,” or “I’d like you to complete this complex task requiring somewhat sophisticated cognitive abilities,” you’d actually perform worse if I offered you a nice chunk of change as a reward.

Picture of Michelle Molas, a recent graduate from the Philippines who shares her story in this blog post.
Discover Your Passion with AIESEC!

“After I graduated, I was unsure of which career path to take. Through working with Career Services, I’ve found that Project Management and Event Planning is something I really enjoy doing.”

Cartoon drawing of a student sitting at a computer with a sad expression and the word "fail" on their computer screen.
Getting Over “Post-Midterm Heartache”

Hallelujah — midterms are finally coming to a close! Perhaps you breezed through your exams like a swan gliding through water, declaring “Einstein” to be your middle name. But if you’re like the rest of us ‘poor unfortunate souls’, your exam experience resembles more of a paper plane ramming into a wall and crumpling sadly to the ground.

Group of people gathering around a table, looking at a document together.
Details Matter – In Defence of Grammar Police

Grammar police can be annoying. Infuriating, even. Yet, I can’t help but feel a small triumph whenever someone exposes themselves as actually caring about proper spelling and grammar.

Two women looking at an application
The Value of a Practice Interview

The interview process can be a very intimidating and overwhelming process for many job applicants. The stress of being in the hot seat can make even the most composed interviewee melt under the pressure. Interview anxiety can be tamed and even prepared for with the help of an understanding and insightful SFU Student Advisor...

Picture of Adam Kingsmith, an SFU student interviewed by the author about his internship in El Salvador.
Make a Difference with AIESEC!

Everyday, the media informs us of new global issues arising in different parts of the world. We think about how troubling the situation is for a little while and then go on with the rest of our day. In most cases, this is where the story ends.

flower petals
Picking Your References

The references you choose ensure your work history comes up smelling like roses and is crucial to obtaining a job offer.  Do they love you, or do they love you not?  Learn how to pick your references and stop plucking the petals.

Picture of a building with a fence known as Cherington Place, a nursing home located in Surrey, British Columbia.
My Experience Volunteering at the Nursing Home

Several days ago, I was able to visit Cherington Place with my friends, a nursing home located in Surrey.  Our task was to keep the elderly company, so we made them cards and cookies, and prepared performances to keep them entertained (offering our time, treasures, and talent).

slanted tree
How to Bask in the Sunlight of Your Career

"So, if I don’t have a plan, do I just sit around and wait for stuff to happen?” You might ask. “How am I supposed to know what to do if I don’t know where I’m going?” Is another one I sense a lot of in my work with students.

A man working on his laptop
On Moustaches & Professionalism

Heard of Movember? It’s a fundraising movement for prostate cancer research in which men (mo bros) and women (mo sistas) alike dedicate the month of November to growing a moustache. In other words, it’s pretty much the best thing ever.

Graduates standing in line
The Graduate – Ode to A New Semester

The students gather to and fro
A vibrant quivering mass
Their thoughts are laden, heavy things
Of textbooks, schedules, and a new U-Pass

Prof with students
Me Student! You Professor!

I don’t much like talking to strangers. I have great conversations in my head with myself, but when it comes to vocalizing my brilliant, eloquent thoughts to other people, I often end up garbling the words into something near unintelligible.

An angry woman screaming
Getting A Handle On Conflict

There’s no denying it – people see and understand the world differently, and it’s only a matter of time before perspectives clash, right and wrong get mixed up, and feelings get hurt. But it’s pretty clear that different people handle conflict uniquely.

A monk copies a text from a large book on his writing table.
3 Tips For Your Blog

As this blog’s editor, one of the many joys I get to experience is the annual inundation training of those of our wonderful volunteers who aspire to contribute to the blog. I get to discuss things like “what makes a good blog article” and a few of the basics of good, simple online writing.

People fighting
Conflict – The Nature of The Beast

Conflict. Why oh why do you plague us so? You are an inevitability – it’s just a matter of time before someone or something disagrees with someone else, and they’re suddenly in a position of deciding between actions towards resolution, mediation, antagonization, or blissful ignorance.

picture of a sword
Building Awareness of Self-Awareness

It was a pretty straightforward account of how knowing what are strengths are can help us to build on and expand those strengths into new areas.  The problem, of course, is that this viewpoint presupposes that you actually do know what your strengths are.