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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Adrian Fung
A Letter to My Younger Self

A 6th-year SFU veteran drops WISDOM to his younger self. Read this if you would like some perspective on your university journey from someone who has been here before you even started high school.

an individual using their phone and laptop at the same time
How Social Media Affects Your Chance of Getting Hired

Have you ever wondered whether future or current employers actually check your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram before or after the interview? You might say that you’re safe; having already privatized all your accounts, but well the truth is... 

Cables of equipment
My Engineering Co-ops: Lungpacer Medical Inc. and Kardium

Have you ever felt unsure of your major? As if maybe it is not what you really want to do for the rest of your life? These are questions Jose pondered over before his co-op with Lungpacer Medical Inc. and Kardium.

Boat on the sea
My Industrial Revolution

Do you ever think there are limitations to what you could do with your degree? I did. SFU co-op has allowed me to experience my major in action in a non-conventional way and it has forever changed the way that I look at my kinesiology degree. 

Portrait of Ashley
Working on a Tiny Communications Team

This summer, Ashley Gregerson landed her dream co-op position as the Communications Assistant for the City of White Rock. Here, she worked as part of a small communications team consisting of only two staff. Ashley shares what she learned and what you can expect joining a tiny Communications Department.

Farmer walking
Discussing Development

Working in development and for Non-governmental organizations (NGO) is a tricky and delicate field. In Naiomi's article, they discuss the new approach that the Sustainability though Agriculture and Microenterprise (SAM) Project has taken on for their work in Zimba, Zambia.

Women sitting among trees
Environmental Consciousness and the Media

Environmental justice and climate change; taking a look at how we communicate about it and how we might change our worldview in an effort to stop the destruction of the planet.  

Rachel with students
How Do You Engage the World? Start by Engaging in Surrey

Learn about the Racing Readers program, and discover how you can "engage the world" as a volunteer.

Celina and her coworkers at Racing readers
A Typical Day at Racing Readers

Learn what it is like to volunteer for Racing Readers. Celina shares her typical day volunteering for the program.

Kelowna landscape
My Co-op in Kelowna

Hesitant about doing an Out-of-Town or International Co-op? So was Mandy! But, opportunities come from all sorts of places. For Mandy, it was Kelowna, and the opportunity was too good to pass up. Read Mandy's tips on moving away, and getting accustomed to a new city.  

Worth It.

Natasha shares why she found waiting for the ‘right’ co-op was worth it for her. After a lot of determination and persistence, she was able to land a job that was worth all the hard work and spent an amazing summer at Options. Read Natasha's story for more insight!

RebalanceMD Summer 2015: A New Approach to Total Musculoskeletal Care

Read about Brandon's role with RebalanceMD as he takes us on an educational journey about total musculoskeletal care. 

Jazmin and her campers
Piecing the Puzzle Together
My time at Parks Canada has been the most dynamic placement with experience working at the Visitor’s Centre in customer service to creating a day camp program from scratch. As a young person working at the site, I was approached by a co-worker to write an article for our internal newsletter. I wrote this article in celebration of August 12, International Youth Day!
working space with an owl design
What Design School Doesn't Teach You

James shares what he learned about User Experience (UX) after his co-op placement at Hootsuite. Read on to to find out how he overcomes challenges and learns how to "embrace ambiguity" as a designer.

Karen Ly-Ma
3 Reasons Why Co-op is a Valuable Experience

Read on to find out why Karen took a step out of her comfort zone to embrace the unknown that is co-op.

a person handing in their documents
How to Ask for Reference Letters From Your Professors

Asking your professors for reference letters is an important part of applying to professional programs, graduate programs, and scholarships, and it is a lot more complicated than just sending a quick email. Eric Cai explains how you can make this process easier for your professors, and more beneficial to you.

The front of the headquarters of Sage Group plc
Life as a Co-op Student at Sage

In this article, Software Systems student, Frank shares about doing a co-op at Sage in an interview style post. 

The right shoe storefront
My Life Among Birkenstocks

Walking into my first day of work for my co-op term at The Right Shoe, all I expected was just another retail job. But upon arriving at work, I quickly realized how much more informative and applicable to my degree the experience would be. What I thought would be just another retail experience turned out to be one of the most interesting, informative and relevant experiences of my life.

team of people working together on a project from a birds eye view
5 Reasons To Accept a Co-op Work Term Extension

Communication Co-op student Kit Crowe gives you 5 good reasons why you should accept that co-op work term extension. 

A spiral staircase
Getting Out of My Rut: How Co-op Changed My Life
Jason shares how co-op has helped him develop personally and professionally. He takes us back in time and back as he shares his life before co-op and contrasts it to where he is now.
A group picture full of students smiling to the camera and the author at the centre of the photo
University Bocconi Campus Abroad Class

Read about her opportunity to take BUS491: Diversity Management with Professor Paola Profeta from University Bocconi and how it gave her more perspective about diversity in the workplace.

Kayla in cap and gown
Student Success Story: Kayla Mitchell

"Just do it! If you get invested in your education you want to continue, and the rewards are extraordinary! Even when it is hard, you continue to do it. I’ve learned so much since starting, it’s phenomenal." Read Kayla's story of hard work and determination.

Carmen smiling
Student Success Story: Carmen van Soest

"I hope to be someone that other Indigenous youth can look up to, and a person that others can count on in my everyday life. And hopefully I can get into Law school so I can help Indigenous peoples fight for their rights." Read Carmen's story of overcoming adversity, and their reason for continuing their education. 

Tracy smiling
Student Success Story: Tracy Ned

"I will continue to encourage students out there to dream and that its okay to be scared but don’t’ let that fear hold you back." Read Tracy's story of determination, will and understanding oneself. 

Portrait of Brian
Files of Uncertainty #1

FILES OF UNCERTAINTY #1: To Bear witness, the open musings of a Metis Student trying to understand her rage when Brian Bowman only half admitted his culture. 

Student Success Story: Trina Setah

"In all of my years, I worked to be well known, respected and network with many people.  Those networks proved to be worth-while as I worked my way up the ladder.  It pays to make good connections that has strategically helped me out when I needed them." 

Many people at a celebration
A Celebration with 1,000 BC Tech Stars

In my work term with BC Technology Industry Association (BCTIA), I had the opportunity to help plan and organize the company’s biggest event of the year, and it just so happened to be BC’s biggest and longest running technology awards celebration.

A skateboarder ramping off an incline to do a trick
5 Keys to “Ramping Up” and Quickly Adjusting to a New Co-op

Noah did his co-op at PMC-Sierra. In this article he introduces the engineering term “ramp up” and identifies five ways to get up to speed when you start a co-op.

malcolm smiling near a tent
Student Success Story: Malcolm Key

"I currently hold a diploma from College; however, I have just enrolled into University to acquire a degree. My mom received her Master’s at 52 and so I’m now 48 and it’s my turn to go back to school!" Read Malcom's story of understanding his Indigenous status, and continuing his education.

The Skills You Can’t Learn in Class

Understanding the importance of applying classroom knowledge to the workplace, Tessa decides to apply for a co-op position with Live Well Exercise Clinic. Read about their journey and find out what you can't learn in a classroom!  

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