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The 201st Application

It’s been two months and 20 days since my first day of my Co-op term at Westcoast Family Centres, but I still find myself waking up every other day in utter disbelief that things worked out!

“What Do You Study in Communication?”

“So, what exactly do you study in communications?”

Leana Li using a computer with papers on the table
My Love-Hate Relationship with Accounting

"I knew very little about accounting and definitely had no passion for it" - read on to find out how Leana overcame her aversion towards accounting.


Person staring at two trails in a forest, separated by trees
Choosing a Co-op Offer Over Permanent Employment: How I Did It

Vicky Leung is a Business Co-op student who found herself having to choose between the allure of a permanent position at a start-up company, which did not match the job description, and a Co-op position that was everything she imagined. Read Vicky’s 3 pieces of advice when making difficult decisions in the co-op program. 

A hand holding a stick note
You Design, They Hold Stakes, We Make Cool Things: Becoming a Great Designer Is Simple, Right?
As Karen points out, students of the Interactive Arts and Technology program have been through years of design school! Designers know how to use Adobe Suite like a pro, and know to bring their A-game to the table every day, proposing fascinating new directions and brand-new visionary ideas. While designers are hired to learn and bring some ‘fresh perspectives’ to their co-op workplace, read on to learn how they can overlook some key parts of the everyday designer.
Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

Desktop setup with two screens, both of which have design softwares opened up
Can Ya Use Canva During a Communication Co-op Term?

In today's world of social media and aesthetics, the ability to create eye-catching and attractive content can be essential to a communication student's success in their co-op position. The problem is, programs like Photoshop and Indesign can be daunting to learn, and expensive to own. In his blog, Fareed explores whether Canva can be used as a more accessible platform for graphic design.  

Building a Community Online: My Experience with FASS

Shahvir Sarkary is a Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Co-op Student who had the opportunity to work as an Events Assistant for FASS, the largest faculty on campus. Shahvir recruited & managed over 48 students for a mentorship role that supported and helped the transition of new incoming students in Fall 2020 term.

sun peaking through the trees
10 Tips on How to Navigate the Hiring Process: An Insider's Perspective

Nisha’s second work term as a curriculum and programming assistant on a hiring committee for Career and Volunteer Services made her realize that with so many qualified candidates, decisions are sometimes based on the tiniest details. Here are Nisha’s 10 tips for how to stand out from other candidates and the reasons why employer’s value them.

Person standing in front of the sunset
15 Amazing Perks of Being an SFU Student

Not many people know about all the perks of being an SFU student, such as huge discounts, free access to normally paid services, and cheaper subscriptions to popular products. Here is a list of everything you can take advantage of as an SFU student!

Ka Yiu Cheng
6 Tips You Should Know Before Your Next Virtual Interview

From trials and tribulations from countless interviews during her Co-op seeking journey, Ka Yiu Cheng shares some tips on how to crush your next virtual interview. 

Soccer players playing in the rain
Improving your thesis statement

Hermine shares some tips on making your thesis statements more effective and in-depth.

Cast members from Ned's Declassified Guide
Bakhtiar's Declassified Co-op Survival Guide

Bakhtiar Yaqub has decided to formally appoint themselves as the designated Ned Bigby of Simon Fraser University. Read for tips on surviving your work term from Bakhtiar's Declassified Co-op Survival Guide!

Multiple icebergs on the ocean
Changemakers: How Much Impact Can You Actually Have as a Co-op Student?

The climate is changing, global health is threatened, injustices are prevalent, and you want to do something about it. Well, how much impact can you actually have as a co-op student? Here’s what Brennan found out during his work term at the BC Council for International Cooperation.

From left to right a lamp, laptop, and a stack of books are next to each other on desk
Advice on Adulting Your Co-op Term

Working a new 9-to-5 can come with a pretty steep learning curve, especially if you hold on to your university-student habits. In his article, Gryfin tells us his tips for adjusting to his co-op placement (and adulthood). 

Picture of Emily Lam smiling
Just Trying It, Strength, and Balance: The Biggest Lessons From My 1st Co-op Term

Your first Co-op work term comes with a lot of valuable lessons and take-aways that stick with you throughout your professional career. For Emily, these lessons include just doing it, finding your strengths and striking a work-life balance. Read on to learn more.

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Wrapping Up 2020: Our Top 12 Inspirational Blog Articles

2020 has been an unprecedented and extraordinary year. What we at the OLC have been pleasantly surprised by is how inspiring our contributing authors have been. Many of our posts touched on the reality of the pandemic, but they were written from a place of positivity and resilience. To wrap up 2020 at the SFU OLC, we've curated our top 12 inspiring posts and summarized how they can continue to inspire you in the New Year.

Researcher looking into a microscope
How to Get the Research Experience You Need to Kickstart Your Career

Gaining research experience, for many, is the first step to forging a rewarding career path in many fields across SFU. But are you confused about how to get the research experience you need? In this blog, Des’ree shares some helpful tips that help you find great research opportunities.

Person standing on one foot on rock, in front of sunset
Finding Balance: My Experience as a Co-op and Varsity Athlete

Does working 40 hours a week seem tiring? Try adding 15 to 18 hours of strenuous running, weightlifting, stretching and physiotherapy. Carlos takes you through his journey as a varsity track athlete while completing an eight-month co-op with Streamline Athletes.

Woman talking on the phone, with laptop in her lap
Over-Communication is Just Communication!

Communication skills are more than spelling and grammar structure. As per Alyanna's supervisor, "Communication is a strategy action to receive what you expect to accomplish.” Read on to learn more about how she develops a different perspective of what communication is about from her co-op experience.

Two men in suits and ties sitting down, shaking hands
The Most Important Trait to Get You Hired

Robert's boss shared a key lesson with him about an essential trait that can get one hired. What is that trait and how can you develop it? Read on to learn more from Robert.

Large computer monitor with silver microphone to the right
How I Brought My Office to My Home

It was confusing figuring out how to work from home on a short notice back in March 2020. Since then, Terry has been learning and reflecting on what really makes a home office productive and what is needed to keep it a friendly and productive environment. Read on to learn more about his insights.

Person typing on Macbook keyboard
Finding Light at the End of the Co-op Tunnel: Failures and Expectations in the 2020 Pandemic

Finding a co-op placement can be quite stressful, but if you stick with it you might just find your dream position. Read John’s article on persevering through a difficult job search and making the most of a co-op placement.

Person doing yoga on right knee, right arm extended out, and left leg extended back
Overcoming Barriers to Staying Active at Home: Tips and Advice

When surveyed, students reported that the top four barriers to staying active were poor weather, lack of energy, loneliness, and lack of time. Check out the Health Peer Educators’ blog for some tips on ways to combat these barriers and build a healthy routine. 

Woman sitting on cliff, looking out at view of mountains and body of water
Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude: How I Found Value in All of My Internships

How you carry yourself in your working environment will determine your growth, achievements, and what kind of work environment you engage in. Read more about how Tiffany realized what she has made out of her experience is what ultimately defined her workplace.

Man sitting at desk, with hands behind head
What Has Worked So Far With Remote Working

Remote working is no longer only the future of working but a current-day reality. Matthew provides three of his tips and tricks that have worked for him when working remotely with Student Recruitment and Admissions at SFU.

Image of the interviewee, Nhi smiling and looking at the camera
An Interview with the Project Lead of TEDxSFU: Nhi Nguyen

Wondering what it is like to work to work for TEDxSFU? Curious why you should seek leadership roles in student clubs? Des'ree interviews Nhi Nguyen, the former Project Lead of TEDxSFU and asks about her experience, lessons learnt and the challenges she faced in this position.

Older couple sitting on bench, looking out at mountain and ocean views
Planning Death in the Era of COVID-19

Like any other person, we have all thought about death at least once in our lives. Join Paneet in this honest conversation about end-of-life issues and what to do when such a tragic but inevitable discussion arises amongst loved ones. In this article, Paneet provides helpful advice and carefully selected resources to ease in to the conversation and to help prepare for the unpredictability of life.

Picture of Vanessa Clarke
Working with Weebly One Day and WordPress the Next

Things move fast in a Co-op. One day you could be working with your favorite application, completely comfortable, and the next, you'll be tasked with learning an entirely new application. This is what happened to Vanessa in her Co-op, and here's how her first placement went, as well as her favorite things about both Wordpress and Weebly - two applications you may also find yourself using in a Communication Co-op.

Six different hands stacked on top of each other, indicating teamwork
The Power of an Introvert as a Leader

Can introverts be outstanding leaders? Check out this article from Des'ree in which she talks about what kind of traits introverts have that can be harnessed for leadership roles.

A calendar showing the month of September beside yellow highlighter
Keeping Your Nose to the Grindstone: How to Stay on Track With Your Coursework

Staying productive and on top of your workload is tough but even tougher while studying remotely. Des'ree has some great advice for our readers with a tool that she uses called the Accountability Schedule. As we move into the next semester, check this out and see if it could work for you!

Gabriel's Team
Four Leadership Lessons That Are Critical to Your Co-op Success

Follow Gabriel on a journey of self-reflection as he shares with us some of the lessons he's learnt while on a Co-op term at Tranction on Demand.

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