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The 201st Application

It’s been two months and 20 days since my first day of my Co-op term at Westcoast Family Centres, but I still find myself waking up every other day in utter disbelief that things worked out!

“What Do You Study in Communication?”

“So, what exactly do you study in communications?”

Leana Li using a computer with papers on the table
My Love-Hate Relationship with Accounting

"I knew very little about accounting and definitely had no passion for it" - read on to find out how Leana overcame her aversion towards accounting.


Bright red "for hire" sign is displayed
An Insider's Guide to Successful Work Search

SFU's Career Specialist Deanne Esdale, with Francis Mercurio, Career Peer, show you how to set up for a successful search by getting strategic and supported. You deserve to get noticed! Check out their nuggets of advice on how to seek jobs effectively.

a dark image of earth with bright spots to represent hotspots
Exiting my Comfort Zone While Entering a Global Business Team

Creating a comfort zone is a healthy adaptation for much of our lives. But so is stepping out of our comfort zone when it's time to transition, grow, and transform. Anna shares her story and reassures that despite the process being difficult at the beginning, it's worthy of gained skills and self-confidence.

a bed spread containing coffee mug, glasses, and a book
No More Counting Sheep

Many people struggle to fall asleep. Oftentimes, most of us find ourselves lying in bed, unable to sleep because of thoughts racing through our heads. In this article, Elvina shares five ways she clears her mind to ensure that she is going to bed feeling calm.

a little note that says "Dear Co-op Students"
Reflecting on a New Kind of Uncertainty: a Note of Encouragement to Fellow Co-op Students

"Losing your job in a pandemic is of no individual fault. COVID-19 has been one heck of a less-than-gentle reminder that each and every one of us has a stake in what sort of collective future it is that we shape through and after this difficult time. And that is hopeful." - Read Sicellia’s reflection on the situation with our future and the future of a job market affected by the pandemic.

a portrait of Thuy smiling
Co-op During the Pandemic: Navigating Science and Uncertainty

Read Thuy's story and learn about what you might find yourself doing as a Communication Co-op student working in a STEM organization during the global pandemic.

hand-drawn paper cut hearts strung across the roof of a house
Working for an Essential Service During a Global Pandemic

"When you work at a non-profit, you will notice one extraordinary and unanimous thing; everyone’s heart is in their work. And during a pandemic, when so many of those we serve are in desperate need, this dedication is clearer than ever." -- Communication Co-op student, Juliette Halliday, highlights working for a non-profit organization as it responds in the face of a pandemic. 

A woman working on her laptop while her dog is sleeping next to her
Leave Work Where It Belongs

It's hard finding a balance between work and life in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Like many others, Eleanor experienced a shift in her routine, from maintaining a work-life balance to that of an unstructured mess.  However, she also knows it's important to take care of your mental health, especially during this time. Read more to find out some tips Eleanor has been using to ensure her professional and personal life stays distinguished.  

time (13:09) showing on a computer screen, placed on a table filled with office paraphernalia
How to Keep Yourself Busy, but Not Too Busy

Everyday, you’re bombarded with content from others on social media on ways to be productive during the quarantine. The reality is that you don’t have to make the most of a pandemic. Alan provides helpful tips on keeping yourself busy, but not too busy.

a logo of a person thinking while working hard
Summer Volunteer Opportunities for SFU Students During COVID

COVID has made it tougher to find jobs this summer, but there are still some good opportunities to expand your skillset through volunteering – even if you are stuck at home. Whether you are looking for remote opportunities or want to support front line workers, here are some ideas to navigate your search.

girl at home looking out the window
4 Things I Learned Working Remotely During a Pandemic

On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. With this news came many unprecedented changes to people’s lives, including their jobs. Janani worked remotely during this time, and had to learn, unlearn, and affirm some things about working during a crisis.

two women practicing social distancing
Looking for Summer Work During COVID? Here’s Where to Find Jobs

If your summer job was cancelled, you’re not alone. Students are facing tough summer job prospects due to COVID, but there are opportunities out there. Here are the industries and companies hiring. 

a person sitting on the floor with their laptop screen open
6 Ways to Improve Communication When Working Remotely

Within days, our team of 12 dwindled down as students ended their terms, returned home, and our remaining team switched to working remotely. Although our team specializes in online work, communications are still one of our biggest challenges. Based on the past month of my remote working experience, I am going to share some tips on how to improve communication in teams.

a person climbing up a mountain
How to Get Back on Your Feet When You Lose Your Job During A Pandemic?

Did you happen to lose your job due to COVID-19? Well, you’re not alone. Here are some tips and resources to help you get back on your feet in no time!

a girl sitting by the window working on her laptop
Disconnected: Working Remotely from Vietnam

Due to the unprecedented situation surrounding COVID-19, many students are struggling to adapt to their new work environment. Thuy An continues her story of how COVID-19 has impacted her life, and how she adapted to working remotely in another country. Read on to find out more about Thuy An’s remote work journey.  

the author's portrait
How the Pandemic Turned my Life Upside Down: One Co-op Student’s Story

The impact of the coronavirus has been felt by everyone across the country but how has the experience been for coop students? Thuy An shares her story on how through proactive thinking from loved ones and support from coop coordinators and supervisors, she was able to book a flight home to join her family while making the necessary arrangement to work remotely.

the author working from home
Surviving the Shift to Remote Work: A Message from One Co-op Student to Another

Have you stopped commuting to work? No more walks to your favourite local coffee shop? Stuck at home working on your tiny laptop? Maria and her team are figuring out new ways for effective communication your teammates while staying sane. She realized that she's not the only student struggling while undergoing the shift. To learn more about the resources that helped Maria turned her hectic reality a bit more manageable and enjoyable, read on.

a quiet street in Toronto
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Working Remotely in a New Job in a New City During COVID-19

After two short months since April first started her co-op position in Toronto, the pandemic hits. She would choose to make the same decision of moving out of town for her co-op term even if she was given a second chance. Read more to find how she transitions to remote working, and what lessons she gains through her experience working from home. 

work station with a guitar and hat stand next to it, pictures hung up on the wall
My Co-op Experience During an Ongoing Pandemic

This was Ethan's second co-op semester and it started off similar to their first. Little did they know, this work term would be completely different. Having already had experience in an office environment, things went smoothly as Ethan picked up their work tasks in stride. However, the first couple of months on the job flew by compared to what was yet to come. Read on to find out more! 

Man writing notes on paper at a desk with a macbook on the side
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Co-op

Thinking about doing a co-op term but not sure how to have a successful experience? Starting a co-op term for the first time can be daunting. Here are a few tips to make the best out of your co-op opportunity. 

birds eye view of a girl sitting at home working on the couch
Staying Connected in an Isolated World

One would think self-isolation was an introvert’s dream; however, it has only emphasized the need for social connection in a time where it's crucial to be practicing physical distancing and self-isolating. Read Elvina’s top five ways to stay connected with others. 

a SFU graduate during convocation holding her diploma
Go Fund Your Graduate Degree – A Guide to Five Academic Sources of Funding

The prospect of pursuing a graduate degree can be hampered by the inability to fund such studies. Srijani discusses five strategies that can help you pay for a graduate degree without breaking into your bank account!

Photo of a woman indoors looking at a book in her room overlooking the window
Mental Health Wellness Tips for Quarantine

After having thirty-one sessions this week with patients where the singular focus was COVID-19 and how to cope, I decided to consolidate my advice and make a list that I hope is helpful to all.  I can not control a lot of what is going on right now, but I can contribute this.

Elvina headshot
Your Health Matters In The Workplace

Mental health is integral to your growth in the workplace; which Elvina expands upon in her unique and enlightening experience as a Marketing & Outreach Assistant with SFU Health & Counselling Service. Read on to find out how it is important to look after your well-being while being motivated and productive in your workplace.

A girl sleeping face-front on a bed
Zzz’s Get Degrees

When we think of health, nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being come to mind. Sleep, on the other hand, is often neglected, resulting in serious repercussions on health and academics. To combat this, check out these tips on how to optimize your shut-eye.

A head shot of Julie
Career Guidance For Rookies: A Q & A with a Coop Student

How would you explain co-op to high school students or how would you explain your journey to discover your career path? While a co-op student, Julie was asked to participate as a panelist for high school students visiting Teck Resource Limited.  She shares her experience as a panelist and co-op advocate in this Q & A summary. 

the author doing yoga against the ocean background
How to “Buckle up your Elbows” and Thrive at your Co-op: Tips from an Israeli in her First Co-op

"There's a phrase in Israel, "buckle up your elbows" which means that it's time to hustle. This is exactly what brought me to the place where I'm writing to you right now." -- read Kim's story and learn how you can achieve anything with enough courage and motivation.

Josh and his colleagues
Imposter Syndrome and the Benefits of a 16-Month Internship at IBM

"So how do you overcome that voice inside your head, telling you that you’re not good enough and that it’s only a matter of time before someone finds out you’re a fake?". Read Josh's story to learn how he overcame the imposter syndrome during his internship as a designer for IBM. 

A picture of Olivia Chan
How My Student Club Involvement Scored Me My First Co-op- Recruiter Perspective

Joining a student club is an excellent way to develop transferable skills! Olivia shares how her campus involvement not only helped with skill development and securing a co-op position, it eased the transition and helped differentiate Olivia from her peers. In her own words: "If you want to be one step closer to finding your dream co-op, I suggest starting with community involvement!"

Sharan and his team dressing up for Halloween at the office
A Step in the Right Direction: How I Thrived in a Data-Driven Marketing Culture

"I walked in excited (and of course, nervous) for the first day of my co-op term at Allocadia. Fast forward to eight months later, I can say, with every inch of confidence in my body, that I have never felt more accomplished, more confident, and more resourceful". Read Sharan's story to see how he developed his career in a data-driven marketing industry. 

Daniel and his coworker in the clinic
Take Initiative & Leave Your Mark: Insight into Working in a Multidisciplinary Medical Clinic

Make an impact by breaking ground with new ideas and spearheading new proposals. Taking Initiative can have a long-lasting impact on one’s career. Read about how I jumped out of my comfort zone and directed the start of the Active Rehabilitation program in a multidisciplinary medical clinic.

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