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Community showcases riveting stories of adversity, culture and creating change. These stories are from SFU community members which include volunteers, Graduate students, Alumni, Indigenous students, and many more to show you the power of giving back to our community.

Lampa’s first time wearing her uniform after receiving it in the mail. A proud moment.
Lessons from My First Work Term in the Civil Service; During a Global Pandemic

Thinking about working remotely for your next co-op term? Political Science student, Maja Lampa describes her experience adapting to remote work during her first season with the Federal Government and how she found meaningful work in uncertain times.

Oscar smiling at the camera next to his dog
Alumni Spotlight: Oscar Wong

After applying to 50 jobs and going out to 12 interviews, Oscar Wong wasn’t sure he was going to land his first Co-op. Finally, on the last day of the semester, Oscar was hired for a digital marketing role and he has never looked back. Now, as a Communication alumnus working as an Internal Communications and Design Specialist at Electronic Arts, Oscar is happy to share more on how he navigated from Co-op to career. 

Smiling student connecting with others
Career Peer Experiences During COVID-19: A Wonderful Opportunity

Who are SFU’s Career Peers? What was it like to be onboarded and trained remotely? What are they up to on the (virtual) campus this semester? Sharon Gill, a Career Peer at Career & Volunteer Services at SFU, tells us all.

Photo of Alicia Fahrner
Finding Academic and Personal Clarity

FASS graduand, Alicia Fahrner, reflects on how her experiences at GSWS inspired clarity in both her academic and personal life as a woman of colour. She encourages students to take some time during their studies to learn more about themselves and their interests, communicating the importance of gratitude and knowing yourself in order to persevere during tough times.

Photo of Rochelle Prasad
It All Starts With an Idea

Political science major and education minor Rochelle Prasad made international news this summer when she received the Diana Award for her social activism and volunteerism. Established in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales, the award is considered the most prestigious accolade a young person can receive for their social action or humanitarian work.

The author's headshot
Working in the Corporate World as an International Student

Still not sure if co-op is for you? Chetachi explains why co-op was such a valuable experience for her and what it was like to work in the corporate world during her Economics co-op work term.

Zahid and coworkers standing in front of white board
My Summer at Technical Safety BC

Zahid shares what it takes to work for an government-adjacent organization and how his academic experience as a Masters of Public Policy student helped him out last summer.

Claire and her students
Heat in Catalonia: Lessons from International Co-op

A student desperately wanting to have class outside suggested we put the decision to a vote. An overwhelming amount of hands went up for having class in the sun and I paused to think about how I could adjust my lesson plan without a chalkboard. The students saw my hesitation and said, “but Claire, don’t you believe in our right to have a democracy?”. This was when I knew I would learn a lot more than just how to teach, from my international co-op term in Catalonia.

Photo of David Henigman
Finding a World of Possibilities at SFU

David Henigman graduates with a political science major, a law and philosophy minor, and a an ethics and global justice certificate. He reflects on his involvement in the Society of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS), the Political Science Student Union (PSSU), and the Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies (CASIS), all through which a whole world of possibilities became open to him.

Photo of Naiya Tsang
Adopting a Compassionate and Analytical Lens for Equitable Change

Naiya Tsang came to SFU to pursue a BA in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies (GSWS) with a minor in Biological Sciences to hone a more balanced understanding of our social and natural worlds.

“I believe studying both science and the marginalities within society allows us to use a lens of compassion while also critically evaluating both quantitative and qualitative information, and can allow us to make strong, informed choices."

a logo of a person thinking while working hard
Summer Volunteer Opportunities for SFU Students During COVID

COVID has made it tougher to find jobs this summer, but there are still some good opportunities to expand your skillset through volunteering – even if you are stuck at home. Whether you are looking for remote opportunities or want to support front line workers, here are some ideas to navigate your search.

a SFU graduate during convocation holding her diploma
Go Fund Your Graduate Degree – A Guide to Five Academic Sources of Funding

The prospect of pursuing a graduate degree can be hampered by the inability to fund such studies. Srijani discusses five strategies that can help you pay for a graduate degree without breaking into your bank account!

the author doing yoga against the ocean background
How to “Buckle up your Elbows” and Thrive at your Co-op: Tips from an Israeli in her First Co-op

"There's a phrase in Israel, "buckle up your elbows" which means that it's time to hustle. This is exactly what brought me to the place where I'm writing to you right now." -- read Kim's story and learn how you can achieve anything with enough courage and motivation.

A picture of Olivia Chan
How My Student Club Involvement Scored Me My First Co-op- Recruiter Perspective

Joining a student club is an excellent way to develop transferable skills! Olivia shares how her campus involvement not only helped with skill development and securing a co-op position, it eased the transition and helped differentiate Olivia from her peers. In her own words: "If you want to be one step closer to finding your dream co-op, I suggest starting with community involvement!"

a neon glowing building
Cultural Competence and Working Abroad

Have you landed an International Co-op work-term and begun preparing for your semester abroad? Surely, you have done your research and are aware of the cultural differences and nuances between where you are going, and your home country? If you haven’t, have no fear! This article is meant to help you understand the basic tips and tricks to adjust to the cultural differences in your new workplace, making your transition much easier.

Natalia and her coworkers taking a group photo together
How Co-op Helped Me Engage With the Community

Looking to succeed in Co-op while making the most of your experience? Natalia shares the best lessons she has gained her during co-op experience, and explains how to stay on top of your tasks while still enjoying the experience and having fun!