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SFU Recreation Services, SFU Indigenous Student Centre
Promotions Senior Leader, Communications Program Assistant, Communications Coordinator

A picture of a woman talking a selfie in front of a mountain range
Courtesy of Audrey Heath
Exercise can be done in so many different ways, and it doesn't always just mean going to the gym.

Everyone's fitness journey is different! There is no 1 right way to workout. The key is to enjoy your fitness activities, which will make following a fitness routine easier and less of a chore. Besides focusing on what you are doing to stay active, it is also important to consider the environment you are doing it in. Find a place that is fun and supportive of your goals. Discover something that is right for you, and hopefully learning about my journey will inspire you.

Incentive and Accountability

One of my biggest motivators for working out is if there is an incentive, or someone keeping me accountable. Joining various fitness programs at SFU has kept me accountable, and some of my favourites include the ISC Wellness ProgramSFU's Stay Active Challenge, and YWib's MOVE4MANA Initiative. One other way to stay accountable is by setting personal fitness goals on my Apple Watch. The reason why these programs and challenges work for me is because I like to win, so if it is a competition, I know I'll be getting my steps in.

Dog Walking

My most accessible and simple way to stay active is to go on a walk. However, sometimes that alone is not enough motivation. I find that having a furry friend (or a human friend) as company helps keep me accountable, and makes the walk more enjoyable. I personally don't have a dog of my own, so I became a dog walker to make some extra money. But it isn't all just about the money. I love all of my clients as if they were my own, and they're just as excited as I am for walks!


I live in Beautiful British Columbia, and I like to take advantage of that when I can. Hiking is a great way to get out, get some fresh air, and visit with friends. But I won't lie, I'm a sucker for a good Instagram pic. From the mountains to the water, there are so many wonderful views. Checkout my How to Stay Active in the Summer: Hiking Edition blog, to learn about some of my favourite trails, and how to prepare for your own hiking adventures.


Team sports was something I was super involved in growing up, and unfortunately once you graduate from high school, it can seem like there are less opportunities available to get involved. If this sounds like you, this is your sign to go play that sport that you've been missing! The Ways to Stay Active in the Summer: Team Sports Edition blog shares about a lot of different opportunities for adult sports leagues, so I recommend you check it out! During my research for this blog, I came across a Touch Football League, and that gave me the push I needed to get back into football! And I am so happy I did! It felt great to socialize and meet new people, but also getting back onto the field and playing the sport that I love.
Exercise can be done in so many different ways, and it doesn't always just mean going to the gym. Find out what works best for you, and embrace that! Whether it is starting a walking group with your friends, participating in the SFU Fitness Centre's Consistency Challenge, or joining a sports team, these are just some of the options available to you! I hope learning about my fitness journey inspired you to go try something new, or continue doing something that works for you!

Originally posted on the SFU Recreation Page on December 15 2021.

SFU Recreation Services, SFU Indigenous Student Centre
Promotions Senior Leader, Communications Program Assistant, Communications Coordinator
Audrey Heath (she/hers) is from the Gitxsan Nation currently working as the Communications Program Assistant at the SFU Indigenous Student Centre. As well as being a fourth year Communications and Indigenous Studies Double Major.
visibility  301
Mar 24, 2022

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