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From anywhere across the globe, there is an opportunity waiting for you

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International experiences are an invaluable asset to your personal and professional development. SFU provides its students with many opportunities to study, work or volunteer abroad. As these stories show, when you travel internationally, you learn to step out of your comfort zone, embrace risk and become accustomed to different ways of living. Many of our SFU community have seized these opportunities, and in turn authored these stories, tips and strategies on how to prepare for your international trip, developing your cultural intelligence and building international networks.

"Why Would Ever You Choose to Work in India?”

India can be a catalyst for personal growth and a life-changing opportunity for those who are bold enough to explore beyond the tantalizing edge of that comfy, complacent comfort zone.

Real Talk: Is an International Co-op Worth It?

International Co-op is a great opportunity for you to work on self-reflection and personal growth. It pushes you into an unfamiliar and challenging situation wherein you must learn to adapt.

Man sitting on a chair smiling at camera
5 Quick Q&As with an MA Econ Co-op Student

Today we’re talking with Masood Abdinejad, a master of economics student in his second year, who’s currently doing a co-op work term at Natural Resources Canada. Learn about his co-op experience as an international student working in a federal government role.

View of Dusseldorf, Germany at sunset
Building Bilateral Relationships: International Co-op in Germany During a Pandemic

Though a move across the world during a pandemic was daunting, I was comforted by my German language ability, my experience having spent time in the country, and the strong co-op support team that stood behind me. 

Open laptop on black table with google search of "how to co-op?", in between a mug and stack of books. Background of image shows icons of paintbrush, camera, blackboard with math, atom, money, and construction worker.
What I Wish I Knew When Seeking Co-op Jobs

During my semester of scouring through SFU’s myExperience portal for jobs, I had to learn a lot of things the hard way, which probably led to me getting a job pretty last minute. But I don’t think I’m the only one who has fallen into the trap of destructive habits that creep through the cracks on the road to success. Below is a list of things I wish I had known when I started seeking for Co-op jobs that I hope will help other Communication Co-op job seekers.

Girl standing next to sign that says "Schneider Electric", pointing at sign.
What it’s Really Like Working at a Multinational Fortune 500 Company

As a Marketing and Communications Intern at Schneider Electric’s Solar Business, I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with so many professionals around the world. Don’t worry, it’s not as stressful as it sounds. In this blog, I'll talk about some of the things I've learned while working for a multinational Fortune 500 company.

A nervous woman
Why You Should Consider Applying to Co-op Jobs Unrelated to Your Academic Background

Like many other seeking Co-op students, Leslie struggled to find a co-op job that was relevant to her interests. While her friends were all able to eventually land jobs, Leslie started to feel more anxious and insecure about obtaining an opportunity. Here's how she turned the tables and found a job outside of her initial interests.