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"Hi-FIVE is a mental health movement on campus that aims to eliminate mental health stigma. As one of the past social media leads, we tried to reach as many students as we can to raise awareness for mental health. I was inspired to take part because of the large number of youth and young adults who may experience mental health issues. At the end of the day, mental health affects us all. Hi-FIVE hosts an annual event in the spring called Me Week, which focuses on mental health awareness and learning how to take care of yourself. Past activities were art therapy, coffee and conversation, yoga sessions, careers in mental health night, and a resilience workshop facilitated by the Canadian Mental Health Association.” ⁣

Ashley del Rosario is a fourth-year Psychology Major (Counselling and Human Development Minor), who was previously involved with Hi-FIVE at SFU.

This post was originally posted on the SFU Psychology Instagram on November 21, 2019. 

SFU Student
visibility  182
Nov 21, 2019