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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Closed up POV of a keyboard
From Plan To Planning: My Career Shift

My plan was all set, my classes were all chosen and off I went to continue with my education. I didn't talk to anyone working in the field and I didn't know what I might be in for. Big mistake.

Aboriginal students
The Work Study Program

Are you a student with financial need looking for the opportunity to participate in research-based projects on campus?  If so, we encourage you to consider SFU’s Work-Study Program. 

Angie Yu
Interview Tips: Embassy of Canada

SFU Beedie Business student Angie Yu is relocating to China this summer for an International Co-op position with the Embassy of Canada. She recently spoke with International Co-op Communications Assistant, Kiran Dhanoa and shared details about her interview and offered tips for others wishing to find work at an embassy or consulate.

Aboriginal logo on chalkboard
Aboriginal People with Degrees in Education

Education is the top field of study amongst First Nation people. Provided are resources for those pursuing a degree in education.

SFU mascot
The Indigenous Student Ambassador Program

FNSA Board member, Angela Semple has lead the implementation of the Indigenous Student Ambassador program, helping to highlight important Indigenous resources to potential SFU students and part of the Indigenous Recruitment Team.


Randy Jack

Randy Jack is from the Cheslatta Carrier Nation. He is now an outreach worker with the Vancouver Recovery Club.Here is a series of question and answers to learn more about his education and career experiences.

Pile of coins
Employment Scams 101

Employment scams are becoming more and more common, and scammers are continually coming up with new strategies to efficiently separate innocent and often desperate job seekers from their money. So what can you do to prevent/report being scammed?

The Eiffel Tower
Travel Your Career

Who doesn’t love travelling? Summer is just around the corner and with that comes the time to make our travel plans a reality. Have you ever thought about travelling as a way to boost your career?

Snapshot of the feast
Honouring Feast at SFU

This year’s First Nations, Inuit, Metis Graduate Honouring Feast, that took place at the Diamond Alumni Centre on June 12, 2013 was a beautiful gathering that was quite impactful for me.

Close up picture of a timer
Step One: Making Lists

Co-op coordinator, Caroline Wakelin explains the concept of the 20-minute job search. In part one she takes you through the process of listing potential employers, and ranking them by contacts, desirability and available openings.

the back of a woman wearing her graduation cap and gown
Make a List of Dream Employers

Co-op coordinator, Caroline Wakelin explains the concept of the 20-minute job search. In part one she takes you through the process of listing potential employers, and ranking them by contacts, desirability and available openings.

writing on chalkboard
7 Reasons Why You Should to Talk to Your Professors and TAs

SFU academic advisors share seven reasons why they recommend all their students talk to their professors and teaching assistants - outside of lecture halls and tutorial rooms.

Have questions? Ask an academic advisor
What is Academic Advising?

Academic Advisors assist you in formulating a successful academic program that helps you translate your goals, interests, and life plans into an effective educational and SFU experience. Academic Advisors also help you understand and navigate academic program/course requirements, polices, and procedures and refer you to resources/services on campus.


Teacher writing on a chalkboard
7 Reasons Why You Should to Talk to Your Professors and TAs

SFU academic advisors share seven reasons why they recommend all their students talk to their professors and teaching assistants - outside of lecture halls and tutorial rooms.

Picture of a key
9 Keys to Success After Graduation

With all the hard work and perseverance over four years (or more), graduation is a joyful and special time full of recognition and anticipations. In other words, you have to get ready to the competitive world and say goodbye to your comfort zone. 

Banner of the academic advisors
What is Academic Advising?

Academic Advisors assist you in formulating a successful academic program that helps you translate your goals, interests, and life plans into an effective educational and SFU experience. Academic Advisors also help you understand and navigate academic program/course requirements, polices, and procedures and refer you to resources/services on campus.

someone designing on an iPad
Is a Creative Resume Right For You?

Super creative and highly designed resumes seem to be everywhere lately, but do you need one? Depending on your career aspirations, they made do more harm than good, and make it harder for employers to see your full skill set. Read more to decide if they're right for you.

Rock climbing woman
Tanya's Kinesiology Co-op: Take Two

After completing co-op work terms with two different employers Tanya wanted to address some of the challenges she has experienced during their time in co-op, and she hopes to help other students who may be facing similar problems in their own work terms. Tanya's two co-op terms lead to two very different co-op experiences. In this two-part post, she shares the differences between them, and what she learned from them.

Worried woman
Tanya's Kinesiology Co-op: A Challenging Experience

My name is Tanya and I am majoring in Kinesiology – Active Health and Rehabilitation. I decided to join the Co-op program to gain hands-on experience and find out what type of work I would like to do once I have graduated. I began co-op in January of 2010 and finished the last of my co-op terms at the end of 2011, all in the area of physical rehabilitation. I wanted to address some of the challenges I have experienced during my time in co-op, and I hope to help other students who may be facing similar problems in their own work terms.

Three part diagram intersecting the Mind, Body and Spirit
An Elders Teachings on Being a Student

Saahiilthit (Gerry) Oleman, an elder of the Stl’atl’imx Nation shares his teachings with Aboriginal students about education.

Yin and Yang Symbol
Go Ahead, Contradict Yourself

Life is full of contradictions, especially when emotions are taken into account - and careers for that matter. This isn't always easy to acknowledge, and it can be incredibly difficult to act on, but it's also an inescapable fact of life, and as such, of career development. So go ahead, contradict yourself.

Temple during grad
Q & A with Princess Temple

Mary Temple will be continuing her degree at SFU in the fall. Read about her experiences growing up in northern BC and where her education has taken her thus far.

Mary Temple at her graduation
Q & A with Princess Temple

Mary Temple will be continuing her degree at SFU in the fall. Read about her experiences growing up in northern BC and where her education has taken her thus far.

a woman teaching on the whiteboard
Mentor Your Way

Do you know what Bill Gates, Yves Saint Laurent, and Plato have in common? They all had incredible mentors. Whether you’re beginning your career journey or you are well on your way, it is always nice to have someone along for the ride who can provide you guidance, support, and wisdom.

Statue with a laughing face
Does Humour Work At Work?

Do you have a sense of humour? Do you believe that humour at work helps you improve productivity, boost morale or even breed creativity?

a woman presenting in front of a group of people
Who. What. Why. The Keys to Your Elevator Pitch

A great elevator pitch can be the perfect accessory to bring to any networking events – in fact, it’s useful to have for plenty of professional situations. So how do you make the perfect pitch? It's all about the who, what, and why.

Harpreet in front of IBM logo
Engineering with IBM: A World Without Borders

Computer Engineering student, Harpreet Basaron is currently on a 16-month co-op term with IBM. Read how her time in Toronto has allowed her to broaden her career horizons, as she left the province to set out on her own, overcoming new challenges and career experiences.

Picture of Christina and her mom
My Mother's Daughter

As I watched my Mother walk across the stage accepting handshakes and hugs along with her degree, I started to wonder how well we really ever know a person. My Mom, now a University graduate, has been so many different things in my life, but how well do I really know this woman?

Graduation class
Q & A With a Metis Graduate

Sandy Coolidge is over 50, a mother of three, and now a graduate of NVIT's social work program. She shares her experiences as a Metis woman and student.

a girl working on her laptop
Last Minute Job Hunt Strategies

Summer is just around the corner. If you are a job seeker without a summer position, don’t worry. Here are four useful tips for your Last Minute Job Hunt. Are you READY to get into job-hunting mode?

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