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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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view of town in germany
My Co-op in Germany

Hubert Tam shares about his experience in Germany working at SAP.  Hubert is a 7th year Business student who spent 3 co-op terms at SAP.

Headshot of Ashley
Be Social! 5 Tips on using Social Media for Business

Will your workplace require you to tweet? Ashley explains how to run social media accounts for a business.

Triumph person cheering
The Payoff of Perseverance

Raymon Gulati faced his fears by interviewing with BlackBerry, landing a fantastic job, and learning that his talent & skills could successfully overcome what seemed to be his biggest obstacle.

Meghan Ogden at a information desk
Developing an Understanding of Non-Profits

Meghan shares the benefits of working at a non-profit based on her experience at the Multiple Sclerosis Society. 

Andrea Bajcetic
Taking on Progressive Projects

Andrea takes on the non-profit world as a Community Services Assistant at the Progressive Housing Society. 

Group of SFU students posing in a corridor
Consulate Communication Builds Connections

Diana completed her first Co-op work term with the Mexican Consulate in Vancouver. Read on to find out how this experience has enhanced her skills! 

Nicole in front of a poster at work
Inclusion Illuminates Work Experience

Political Science student Nicole shares about her experience doing marketing communications work for Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion (BACI), a non-profit that supports over a thousand individuals with developmental disabilities.

IAT 499 Graduation Project
Dream Internship Follows Less-than-glamorous Co-op Placement

Nick Doering was not looking for a co-op job at SFU, but soon discovered that his work at SFU’s SIAT department was a great first step to landing a position at a high profile company.

Jordana in front of Posabilities banner
The Other Side: What Employers Want to Hear During an Interview

While completing her co-op with posAbilities, Jordana Fridman had the opportunity to observe the other side of the interview process. Here's her insight into what employers are really looking for.

Jill in scuba diving gear on a boat
“I Never Dreamed About Having a Job Like This!”

Read about Jill's summer co-op with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, where she spent her time scuba diving, documenting algae and invertebrate species, hanging out with sea lions and possibly having the best summer ever!

laptop screen with lines of code
Working in Tech for the Non-­Technical

No experience in the tech industry? Break in anyway! Communication and Economics Co-op student Terence Chu shares tips he learned firsthand as a Technical Writer for Ericsson, a multinational Swedish telecommunications corporation.

Vlad Tkachenko
What I Learned During my Co-ops at RIM and SAP

Vlad Tkachenko is a 5th year Computing Science Student who spent 2 co-op terms at RIM and 2 co-op terms at SAP. He shares what he learned and some tips for success on the job.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Poster
My Experience Volunteering as an In School Mentor with Big Brothers and Big Sisters

Anju recounts her experience as an In School Mentor with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Fraser Valley, and what she learned about herself and others.

a coach in the fighting ring
4 Reasons to Become a Coach

Coaches. We have had them since we were five-years-old in sports, academics, or life. Throughout the years, we learn from other people, and this has had an influence on who we become. This is an article on reasons to become a coach. 

Picture of calculator beside a graph
Getting Ready for Math-Related Classes in the New Semester

Many university classes require a lot of math and problem-solving. Eric Cai, an SFU alumni currently working in statistics, shares his top tips on how to excel in these challenging courses. 

Christie Atkins at HydroOne
Advice from a Corporate Communications Guru

Starting a new co-op position can be stressful and overwhelming at first. Communication Co-op student, Christie Atkins, shares workplace transition advice from her mentor, Melissa Fast.

YMCA Open House
My Co-op Experience: Be Open to the Unfamiliar

Are you having a hard time landing that ideal Co-op job? But, what is ideal? Explore Jeanie’s experience this summer at the YWCA Health + Fitness Centre.  She shares her experience about how a job description might not stand out at first, but can lead to a stand-out placement.

Messy desk with a laptop and papers
How to Work, Study, and Volunteer at the Same Time

If you're finding the prospect of working and volunteering while being a student daunting, don't fear! Hear from two SFU students leading busy yet productive lives.

Volunteering makes your future easier banner
Taking On More Challenging Volunteer Roles

Challenging volunteer positions require more time and effort, but they can also be important stepping stones in your career path. Check out what Nicola says you need to be successful in a more difficult volunteer position.

Students discussing at the campus
Strategic Volunteering: Lessons From a Mature Student

Averyl from SFU Public Square shares some insights from experiences volunteering, and has created this list of tips to help you get the most out of your volunteer positions!

group of students sitting in a circle, discussing

In this week's Club of the Week, Emily takes a look at UNICEF SFU, and interviews their current President, Katie Mai. Read more to learn about UNICEF's activities on campus!

People on a kayak

Christina Coolidge is an Indigenous Program researcher with Career Services at SFU.  In this four-part series she discusses the creation of the Sacred Trust Initiative (STI), with the purpose of stopping the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.  This is the first post of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation and the Sacred Trust Initiative Series.

Friends and Allies

Christina Coolidge is an Indigenous Program researcher with Career Services at SFU.  In this four-part series she discusses the creation of the Sacred Trust Initiative (STI), with the purpose of stopping the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.  This is the second post of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation and the Sacred Trust Initiative Series.

Ship cargo on water
Kinder Morgan

Christina Coolidge is an Indigenous Program researcher with Career Services at SFU.  In this four-part series she discusses the creation of the Sacred Trust Initiative (STI), with the purpose of stopping the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.  This is the third post of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation and the Sacred Trust Initiative Series.

People on a kayak

Christina Coolidge is an Indigenous Program researcher with Career Services at SFU.  In this four-part series she discusses the creation of the Sacred Trust Initiative (STI), with the purpose of stopping the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.  This is the fourth post of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation and the Sacred Trust Initiative Series.

Jacky smiling, with a view of China to the right
My Co-op in China

Jacky is a fourth year Business Student who spent his co-op in Beijing China.  Read his interview to discover what his co-op abroad was like.  Jacky covers preparing for the work term, work life, and living abroad.

Children holding hands and playing in front of a hut
My Time At Destiny Reflection/Foundation

Nicole Molinari is a Health Sciences BA student who shares her experience working in Kolkata, India, where she worked with Destiny Reflection/Foundation, an organization that works to empower survivors of human trafficking and at-risk women.

A woman in business attire smiles confidently for the camera in Blusson Hall.
Samples Required - 5 Tips for Showcasing your Work

As a first-time Co-op seeker with little real-world work experience, it can be daunting to read the words ‘work samples required’ in a job posting. Here are 5 useful tips for showcasing your work at your next interview.

Julia smiling
Working Abroad: Overcoming a Language Barrier in the Work Place

Learning how to effectively communicate in a new work environment can be difficult enough, but add a language barrier and things get even more complicated. Here are Julia's top tips for overcoming language barriers in the workplace.

Indigenous women graduates
Language Revitalization

Christina Coolidge is an Indigenous Program researcher with Career Services at SFU.  In this four-part series she shares how Indigenous women are the keepers of language and discusses various issues and topics around language in the Indigenous community.  This is the fourth post of the four part series.

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