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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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picture of Marcia smiling
Marcia Tells It Like It Is: Cover Letter Info You Oughta Know

This fictitious and funny article provides you with some insight into important elements to consider in your cover letter. Communication Co-op Coordinator Marcia Shimizu gives the dirt on what not to do when writing a cover letter. 

a frustrated individual with her hands over her head
A Disappointing Interview Experience

Are you having a difficult time placing a co-op placement? You're not alone! Read about Natalie's disappointment with her second job interview, how she coped with her frustration and the lessons she took away from this experience to improve her interviewing skills and increase her chance at landing a job. 

Indigenous Academia
First Nations Student Association Contribution Supports ISC Tutoring Program

To support Indigenous students that are in need of additional educational support the First Nations Student Association matches the Office for Aboriginal Peoples contribution of $5000 to the Indigenous Student Centre.

Couple at the beach
Why Volunteer in the Community at Large?

Laura looks into the top 10 reasons for Volunteering and explores why she chose to volunteer with the Vancouver Aquarium's Marine Mammal Rescue Center. Read more about what she discovered... 

a man talking on the phone
Top Tips for Pre-Screen Interview Success

So you applied for a co-op, internship or full-time position and the organization wants to schedule a pre-screen interview with you. Are you scratching your head and wondering what a pre-screen interview is and how you can prepare for it? Here are some must-know tips and questions that can increase your chance of moving on to the next round of the selection process!

an individual searching up a company's social media account on Facebook
Using Social Media to Ace Your Interviews

Trying to get that dream job? More and more employers are now using search engines such as Google to find out more about potential employees. If you’re not sure if social media is enhancing your online presence, there are some things you can do.

a woman is presenting in front of a group of people
Lessons from the First Interview

So you went through the workshops, you took BOL I, and you’ve had your one-on-one with your advisor. Now what? Natalie asked herself the same question when she completed all the initial steps of Co-op. Read on to find out more about Natalie's job search and the lessons she took away from her first job interview.

Bunch of students jumping mid air
5 Things to Tell Yourself Everyday

Every day presents you with numerous opportunities to learn and improve yourself. Here are 5 tips to maximize every moment of your day to live your life to the fullest.

Portrait of Brandon
Indigenous Stories: Volunteering for Your Passion Can Result in Full Time Employment

"Not only was I gaining experience, but I was making connections to people in my field who were always looking for innovative ideas, ways to create more business, and opportunities to network beyond our respective communities."

Arya from Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Goes To University

What would the characters in A Game of Thrones major in, if they went to a modern day university? I focused on the characters that I found most interesting or noteworthy in my reading of the series - you might have some of your own favourites that I don't get to - I invite you to join in with your own opinions!

Portrait of Ann seymour
Indigenous Stories: Ann Seymour, Aboriginal Health Liaison Social Worker

Never give up. No matter what anyone says? As I say to my kids: “Stand tall, shoulders back and walk proud. You have to beleive in yourself, because you can do it!"

Albert Einstein
Imagination as a Career Skill

Have you ever thought about how amazing it is that we have the capacity to ​imagine​? What is it that gives me this ability to picture what my future might be like, or for artists to create and portray entire fantastical mental worlds, or for children to spend countless joyful hours pretending to be something or someone else? And what benefit can imagination have on our careers?

There’s Always a FIRST to Everything…So B.R.A.V.E. it Out

Do you have anything that you’ve always wanted to do – from baking to backpacking the wilderness to speaking in front of a crowd – but never muster up the courage to try?  If you are even thinking about tackling a “first”, you may be ready to stretch yourself and do something new.

Portrait of Ronil
Blogging: A Gateway to your Dream Job

Want to add to your portfolio but don't know where to start?  Why not try starting your own blog?  See how this recent Communication graduate landed his dream job while writing about his favourite sports team, the Canucks!  

a computer screen showing the test "Do More"
Let Your Résumé Do the Talking

Your résumé is your opportunity to demonstrate your skills, strengths, interest in a position and "appeal" to potential employers and express what you have to offer.  

two women talking and smiling
How Do Career Professionals Help?

Dave knows full well the value of talking to a career professional (if he didn't he'd be in trouble). It's knowledge that he takes for granted, and every now and then he's made aware of the fact that the knowledge he knows, isn't common knowledge - in fact, most people probably have no idea what they can get from working with a career professional! Read Dave's advice on talking with a career professional, and how it will boast your professional developpment. 

Student working in a lab
Why Volunteer on Campus at SFU?

Lindsay enjoys helping people achieve their goals and this experience has allowed her to follow and achieve her passion for improving services available to Indigenous students and potentially their overall academic success. Learn more about her experiences.

Mechatronics Co-op Student Profile: Armaghan Mogouei

Mogouei shares with all women that are thinking of Mechatronic Systems Engineering as an ideal fit, because it allows you to explore various engineering disciplines and industry application. Armaghan Mogouei is following her dreams through her work with Ballard Power Systems.

Brendon Sauer
Mechatronics Co-op Profile: Brendon Sauer

Fusing the world of Business and Mechatronics, Brendon Sauer has shown that MSE students really can have the bFusing the world of Business and Mechatronics, Brendon Sauer has shown that MSE students really can have the best of both worlds. Read more about his experience at Discover Energy.

Chris Stewart
Mechatronics Co-op Alumni Profile: Chris Stewart

Chris Stewart is a junior engineer at Brock Solutions. He works in the development of control systems for airport baggage handling systems and has been working with Brock since November 2011. 

Jordan Wapass, Capacity Development Initiatives Officer
Indigenous Stories: Jordan Wapass, Capacity Development Initiatives Officer

Professor Hunter, my family (Uncle Kelly, Mom and Grandparents) have and have always had great confidence in me. This is where my strength comes from. Like most youth/students (First Nations, Aboriginal, non-Aboriginal), there is a mixture of confusion, fear and excitement about what to do next.

Person at an interview
Malinda's #1 Resume Tip: Don't Sell Yourself Short!

The content of your resume should allow your reader to step into your shoes and see the value you brought to your previous employers, as this is where your potential worth as a future employee is best expressed. So do yourself a favour, and don't sell yourself short!

Elise and coworkers
Movin’ on Up: How to Accelerate Your Climb Up the Corporate Ladder | Part Two

Is career advancement on your mind? Whether you are a current student, a recent grad, or have been in the workforce for a couple of years, for many of us, improving our position never seems far from our minds. Read on to find out about how you can move up the corporate ladder as a student.

Janine at convocation
Convocation Reflections: The Winding Road to Find Where You Were Meant to Be

Janine Roller looks back at her SFU co-op experience while speaking at her convocation. She shares how the path you take may not lead to where you expected to go, but it could end up somewhere better.

Janine Roller at her graduation
Convocation Reflections: The Winding Road to Find Where You Were Meant to Be

Janine Roller looks back at her SFU co-op experience while speaking at her convocation. She shares how the path you take may not lead to where you expected to go, but it could end up somewhere better.

ronil desai, smiling
Student Profile: Ronil's Vancouver Canucks Co-op Experience

Ronil landed not one but two co-op placements with The Vancouver Canucks. He shares with us his success tips in landing the back-to-back contrast contract. 

Portrait of Alissa
Why Volunteer in the Aboriginal Community?

Alissa volunteers because she want to receive experience relating to areas of her studies in Criminology and her to fulfill her passion to help First Nations communities. Each of these organizations allows her to engage with Urban Aboriginal people. Learn more about her experiences.

bruce smiling
Bruce Dumont: How to Become a Métis Politician

"We lived the Metis life as my father hunted and trapped when he wasn't
 working to keep the family fed. My mother tanned hides, did beautiful beadwork and made clothing and bedding. We danced to the fiddle and sang." Read Bruce's story of how he became President of Metis Nation BC.

Picture of Bruce Dumont
Bruce Dumont: How to Become a Métis Politician

"We lived the Metis life as my father hunted and trapped when he wasn't
 working to keep the family fed. My mother tanned hides, did beautiful beadwork and made clothing and bedding. We danced to the fiddle and sang." 

SFU Alumni Poster
Knowing Your Alumni Benefits - Don't Say Goodbye Yet

Many of you will be saying farewell to dear SFU and to the life of a university student in a couple days. Now you are part of more than 118,000 SFU graduates all over the world. Before you say goodbye, know your benefits for being an SFU Alumni and take advantage of them.

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