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The 201st Application

It’s been two months and 20 days since my first day of my Co-op term at Westcoast Family Centres, but I still find myself waking up every other day in utter disbelief that things worked out!

“What Do You Study in Communication?”

“So, what exactly do you study in communications?”

Leana Li using a computer with papers on the table
My Love-Hate Relationship with Accounting

"I knew very little about accounting and definitely had no passion for it" - read on to find out how Leana overcame her aversion towards accounting.


A young women with blonde hair and glasses smiling
Megan Holmes: Working in the Aerospace Sector as a MSE Co-op Student

This week’s SFU Surrey Co-op featured student is Megan Holmes, an MSE student who has been doing some excellent work at one of her dream companies, MDA, a Canadian aerospace company. One of the exciting projects she is working on is upgrading the Canadian CP-140 Aurora aircraft’s radar surveillance system. Read on to learn more about Megan’s experience!

Person working on a laptop
How COVID Kickstarted My Career

Last summer, my sister and I were excited to travel to Europe. As you can probably guess, that did not happen. But from the gloom of cancelling our dream trip, something positive emerged - an important conversation and a new direction that kickstarted my career.

Two people facing each other from the knee down
Four Benefits of Being Part of a Mentorship Program

Does the word mentor scare you? Maybe you don't know what the word Mentorship even means! These are thoughts Bessie had before signing up for a mentorship program at their Co-op workplace. Read Bessie's article on the benefits of working with a mentor!

person fixing their tie
How to Ask for More Out of Your Position

Deriving inspiration from her first post, "4 Reasons You Won't Regret Working in Customer Service", Sydney is back and ready to share more knowledge with you from her time in retail. In this article, you'll find Sydney's strategy for negotiating wage raises, work-term extensions and permanent positions. 

Photo of Reema Faris
On the Continuous Pursuit of Learning

"Reema Faris has a deep passion for learning. As a naturally curious and inquisitive person, she says returning to post secondary studies in recent years has been a joy. Faris spent many years of her early career as a communications and marketing professional within a range of public and private sector organizations. Faris brings new perspectives, kindness, and enthusiasm for teaching and learning to the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, where she is pursuing doctoral studies."

Photo of Maki Cairns
Finding Inspiration to Pursue an Embodied Feminist Practice From Comics

Undergraduate student Maki Cairns credits the Wonder Woman comic book series as part of her drive to study at the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies (GSWS). An avid comic book and graphic novel reader, Cairn’s interest in feminism was sparked from her hobby and has turned into a full course of study.

Photo of Kelsey Strom
No Such Thing as Wasted Time

Kelsey Strom, having found her place in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies (GSWS) learnt an important lesson: There is no such thing as wasted time 

Photo of Brianna Mau
Gaining a Change in Perspective

GSWS Alumnus, Brianna Mau, talks about the most impactful classes she took during her undergrad and her involvement in leadership and mentorship programs at SFU. She advises students to transform their academic background to impactful actions that create lasting change.

picture of the sunset and the sea
On Breathing

We often forget that breathing is one of the most important things that we do in our daily lives. It is our constant reminder that we are alive. So take some time out of your day and discover what it means to breathe. 

Person with their arms stretched out and back facing us; standing in autumn field
Reasons to be Grateful

From an early age, we were taught to thank the people around us whenever we receive help or support, but we often forget to thank ourselves. Here are some healthy habits of gratitude that might help with finding the happiness and contentment we've all been searching for. 

A small plant sprouting from the ground
Cultivating Resilience in Challenging Times

Finding our way through adversities and challenges can definitely be a stressful mission. But it is important to remember that "humans are resilient." Here are some strategies to help practice resilience in your day-to-day journey of personal growth and ways on how we can thrive in life's storms. 

A road sign that says Slow Down
4 Tips for Making the Most of a Slow Day at Work

Every job has its slow days every once in a while. Sometimes, all that free time can make you feel bored and unproductive. Ray shares 4 things he's done in the past during his Co-op work term to most of a slow day at work.

person typing on a laptop
7 Tips for Remote Facilitation Amidst a Global Pandemic

Congratulations! You’ve landed your first Co-op work term. But wait! There’s a catch (or two): you’re in the middle of a global pandemic, and you’re expected to lead a team in this new and not-so-improved virtual setting. Read Bita’s tips to feel more confident while conquering your very first Co-op in a position of leadership, all the while working remotely. 

A sign is displayed in front of Health Canada headquarters in Ottawa
Landing an Interview with Health Canada within 24 Hours

Are you currently in the process of securing a job interview? Melanie will take you on her journey and the series of events she took to not only reach out to her hiring manager, but also land an interview within the span of 24 hours. 

Sunset over water and islands
How to Kick the Procrastination Monkey and Take the Wheel

Staying focused and getting things done can be something we all struggle with, especially when both work and play are online. What, then, is the "procrastination monkey", and how can you overcome the distraction it brings? Clarissa explains how to kick the monkey to the curb, and take control of your time and work. 

eight jackets hanging in order of the rainbow
4 Reasons You Won't Regret Working in Customer Service

After spending 5 years in retail, Sydney was ready to pursue a career related to her studies. Looking back, although there were trials and tribulations, her time in customer service was a spectacular triumph as she developed new ways of communicating, leadership skills, and other attributes that have propelled her professional and personal development. 

person writing on paper
8 Reasons Why You Should Consider an 8-month Co-op Placement

Emir was asked during his Co-op hiring interview if he would consider an 8-month placement. He was anxious about making it through 4 months, never mind 8. But soon enough the third month came around and Emir has a second chance to consider an extension. Here are his 8 reasons for why you should a Co-op extension.

diagrams of a website layout
The Job-Hunting Journey: Portfolios and Soft Skills

Are you a SIAT Co-op student in the seeking process? Read Michelle's article on the job-hunting journey, and how with a strong portfolio and exemplary soft skills, you can excel in your interviews!

Rick standing in front of a Tesla car
The Path Towards My Dream Job at Tesla

Rick has wanted to work for Tesla ever since he started his undergrad degree at SFU. The path to Tesla hasn't been easy nor straightforward. Read on to learn how Rick's previous Co-op opportunities set him up for success when landing an internship in the Bay Area.

A nervous woman
Why You Should Consider Applying to Co-op Jobs Unrelated to Your Academic Background

Like many other seeking Co-op students, Leslie struggled to find a co-op job that was relevant to her interests. While her friends were all able to eventually land jobs, Leslie started to feel more anxious and insecure about obtaining an opportunity. Here's how she turned the tables and found a job outside of her initial interests.

Emily smiling
How Should We and Our Employers Prepare for Remote Working?

In a highly uncertain pandemic, working from home has become the new normal. Read about Emily's co-op experience with Sierra Wireless and find out what we can do to better our experience with remote working, both as an employer and an employee.

Three women in negotiations
After the Work Term Ends: 6 Tips for Turning that Co-op Position into a Part Time Job

The end of a Co-op work term doesn't necessarily mean the end of your relationship with the organiziation you had been working for. Jaclyn found a way to turn her Co-op opportunity, a 8 month Co-op at FISPAN, into a part time gig when she went back to school to finish her degree. Read on to learn how she pitched her new role and position to the company she'd done a Co-op work term with.

Kevin and coworkers smiling
Having the Best Co-op Work Experiences Even During Uncertain Times

When the COVID-19 hit, Kevin had to transition from working in person to working from home. Read on to find out what this experience was like and how Kevin was able to readjust to new working conditions. 

Illustration of businesspeople
Advice for Upcoming SFU Entrepreneurs

Interested in starting a business but don’t know where to start? David explains in Part Two of his blog series what worked for him during his time establishing a start-up business. Read on to learn what tips he shares about the process of beginning your entrepreneurial journey.

graphic of different job positions at work
Things That Went Wrong for Us

Sometimes, things don't go as well as expected when launching a start-up business. David explains in Part Three of his blog series just what went wrong and what fellow peers should look out for if you're also interested in developing a business.

Cartoon characters working
How It All Started

Interested in starting a business but don’t know where to start? Don’t know if you can handle it because you’re a student? David has gone through it and succeeded in some ways while failing in others. Learn from his experience in this blog post so you can avoid making the same mistakes.

A youth sports club
The Pros & Cons of Working for a Small Non-Profit

Ever wondered what working for a non-profit is like? Further, have you ever wondered what working for an extremely small non-profit is like?In her article, Marisa describes what it was like to work at a youth sports-oriented non-profit where she collaborated with a small team of only three, and lists both the pros and cons of non-profit work. 

the author smiling with coworkers
A New Experience as a Co-op Student in Alberta

After a tiring semester of remote learning, Lillian decided to trade classes for work experience and adventure - in Alberta as a door-to-door salesperson.

two people talking over zoom with masks on
How to Stay Productive During a Global Pandemic

Nikolina was one of the many co-op students who had to learn how to adjust to new working conditions during COVID-19. In this article, Bikolina shares with us some tips for finding productivity during a global pandemic. 

Elena smiling in her workspace
My Experience Starting a Co-op During a Global Pandemic

As Elena enters her first co-op work term in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, she is faced with the challenges of working remotely. Read on to find out how she is able to overcome these obstacles as she shares her advice on working from home. 

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