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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Making Wild Ducks Fly: IBM Extreme Blue Internship

Do you thrive on innovation and creativity? Enjoy developing ground-up software solutions? If so, IBM’s Extreme Blue internship is for you. It is where business, innovation, research, and software development meet to provide solutions to satisfy business needs. Read on to learn about Warunika’s experience as an Extreme Blue intern in software development.

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Getting the Most Out of Your Work Term: Nine Tips for Success

Jordan began his co-op at TELUS with a limited skillset and a lack of experience. Eight months later, he left TELUS with more than he could have imagined. In this blog post, he shares nine tips that helped him find success during his work term. 

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An Interview with Alley Theatre

The Professional Development Coordinator at SFU's School for the Contemporary Arts interviews Daniel Arnold and Marisa Emma Smith from Alley Theatre about the company, their interest in working with students and advice for emerging artists.

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The Art of (Not) Having It All Figured Out

Choosing a career is not about selecting an archetype (like ‘lawyer’, or ‘doctor’, or ‘teacher’), but about exploring who you are, what your skill set is, and what type of career will be a good fit for you. In this blog, I talk about letting go of the pressure to have it all figured out, and to instead embrace different ideas and explore different options to find a career that fits. 

Image of the Author during the Internship
Six Reasons Why We Like Research

The department of Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology (BPK) will be hosting its 8th Annual Research Day on Friday, March 31. Twelve BPK undergraduate students were asked a simple question: What do you like about research? After compiling all of their responses, I present to you six reasons why we like research!

Ellen Lu at work
5 Important Lessons I Learned From My First Co-op

Nervous about your first co-op job? Don’t be! These five tips will help prepare you for success and boost your confidence levels in no time. Keep calm & read on!

IMS: A Beacon of Light for Petite Prospective Physiotherapists

Have you thought about physiotherapy as a career option, or as part of your plan to rid your body of aches or pains? This article focuses on my own personal experiences with Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) at my co-op placement, and how it has affected my back pain as well as my future in physiotherapy. 

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My Life as an International Student: Becoming Different in a Different Culture

If you are an international student struggling with language and culture barriers in Canada, you are not alone. Liu Siyu, is a fourth-year international student here to share her stories about study, work, and career. 

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10 Tips for Working with Seniors

For some, seniors can be intimidating and difficult to work with. However, after working as a Student Kinesiologist with 6-8 different clients on a daily basis, Matthew has compiled a list of 10 tips and tricks to help anyone working with seniors in any context, not just kinesiology.  

Image of the Author during the Internship
What Does a Student Kinesiologist Do, Anyways?

Looking through co-op job postings and have no idea what a job as a Student Kinesiologist entails? I didn’t either. Now that I’ve worked as one, I’m here to shine some light on the subject. 

A student networking with another student
My Co-op Experience as an International Student

As an international student Ha Na had the reality of high tuition, no work experience and challenges in finding employment.  She decided co-op was the solution to learn professional work search skills and gain related employment while attending university.  She shares her challenges and successes along the way.

Image of Danika at work
From Retail to Public Servant: A Learning Curve

The RCMP is a sought out employer for criminology students. If your main experience to date is in the retail sector, then there is a lot to discover about interviewing and working in the Public Service. Danika shares her experience moving from retail to working for the RCMP. 

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5 Things Learned From Living & Working in Another Country

From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows, Gary shares his experiences and lessons learned from when he lived and worked in the heart of Bavaria, Germany at the adidas Group global headquarters.

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Recruitment & Career Development: What Employers Want

Having been involved in recruitment and on-boarding processes, discussions with managers and engineering recruitment teams, I share my experiences in recruitment and career development to give you insight into what employers are looking for. 

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Videography: From Hobby to Career

Something that first starts out as a hobby may eventually grow into a highly tangible skill that is valued in the eyes of potential employers. For Jessica, she never considered her ability to create stories from videos would be good enough to pursue a career in it. But that all changed when Vancouver Coastal Health called and offered her a position as a videographer.

Richard Han Lead Image
Stop Worrying and Start Living: Using Uncertainties to Discover Yourself

Take a deep breath. Look around you. Everyone has uncertainties! However, embracing your uncomfortable and uncertain situation is the first step to discovering yourself. Read Richard's blog to find out how they turn moments of uncertainties into learning opportunities! 

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SFU Joins National Conversation on International Learning Experiences for Students

SFU has joined the Canadian Bureau for International Education’s (CBIE) Learning Beyond Borders (LBB) initiative to inspire more students to take advantage of learning experiences in other countries. Learn more about this initiative and what is means for you! 

picture of red curtains with the text "Behind the Curtains. The student learning commons edition". (Text is displayed in white)
Inside the Student Learning Commons with the Learning & Writing Peers

Ever needed help with writing a paper? The Student Learning Commons is the place to go. I’m a passionate Learning & Writing Peer Educator. Here’s a glimpse of what it’s like.

Anatomy Fashion Photo
Anatomy Fashion Show Highlights the Intricacies of the Human Body

After a successful event in 2016, the SFU chapter of the co-ed international medical fraternity, Phi Delta Epsilon, will be hosting a second annual Anatomy Fashion Show on March 4th, 2017. This event is being organized by passionate pre-medical students who wish to raise funds for B.C. Children’s Hospital by putting on a creative, entertaining, and interactive event. Monique, the chair of the organizing committee, shares more information about the event in this article. 

Testing Equipment
My Co-op Preventing Seniors from Falling

Every 10 minutes a senior is hospitalized from a fall—a preventable cause of injury and death among seniors. Megan joined the Fraser Health Patient Safety and Injury Prevention team as part of their multidisciplinary program to prevent seniors from falling. Continue reading to learn more about Megan's co-op experience! 

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Co-op in Japan: Traversing Cultures

After finishing two co-op semesters in Canada, Health Sciences student Samantha Lui wanted to take things farther and ventured off to Japan for eight months as a Research Assistant with the Kao Corporation. Find out how she successfully transitioned into a new environment whilst exploring every part of this exciting country.     

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5 Tips to Manage an Obsession with Emails

The distinct ping of a notification at work often leads to a reflexive action in many of us. Do it, check the email. Sasha Zalyvadna shares her experience on how to combat the need to check work emails more often than one probably should.

Someone walking along a railway track towards the horizon
Overcoming Cultural Pressures in University: A Personal Journey

Read Henna's story on how she overcame career pressure and her journey of career and interest exploration!

SFU students during events
The Student Faces Behind Peer Health Education

The Peer Health Educators, also known as the Health Peers, are an amazing group of students who hold events and workshops to promote various health topics to their peers. I was able to interview a few of the Health Peers to discuss their involvement with the program. Whether you are interested in getting involved or want more information on the types of events held by the Health Peers, keep reading to find out more.

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Decision Support at Vancouver Coastal Health

Ever thought about working in Management Information Systems? Third year business student Vivyn Zhou shares her journey working for System Improvement in the Decision Support department at Vancouver Coastal Health. 

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Reasons to Apply to Companies You Have Never Heard Of

The job application process can be overwhelming, especially you are sifting through an extensive list of companies that you may have never heard of. Amy explains why you should take a chance with a smaller organization and the rewarding experiences that may come with it.

Image of the Author during the Internship
Back Pain Myth Busters and Spine Hygiene

Do you do sit-ups and crunches to to either get or maintain that six-pack? This article sheds light on why learned habits such as this are detrimental for your back health. In addition, I discuss “Spine Hygiene”, which refers to the daily maintenance of the spine as necessary to prevent back issues.  

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Will Your Career Exist in 20 Years?

Will technological change and automation do away with the careers you’re focused on? Or will they make them more exciting? Learn about the latest developments and what you can do now to prepare yourself for the future.

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SFU’s Big Secret: A Look into My Summer Working for the University

Find out more about my co-op job as a Research Assistant for SFU and discover how Lauren learned to navigate the data, politics and presentations to appreciate a side of the university students don’t normally get to experience. 

Tegan kayaking with a co-worker
Conservation, Kayaks and Turtles

For her second co-op, Environmental Science student Tegan Gallilee-Lang ventured out to the Greater Vancouver Zoo to assist the Fraser Valley Wetlands Wildlife Project. Read about her adventures on the job and her new animal friends!

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