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Science › Biomedical Physiology + Kinesiology
Simon Fraser University
SFU BPK Faculty
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About Jim:

Jim is originally from Nova Scotia. He moved to B.C. to enjoy all the great outdoor activities here. He spent 26 years as a professional fire fighter in Port Coquitlam, retiring in 2016. Lecturing at SFU is his second career. Outside academia, his dream job is to be a Golf Course Architect.

Outside of Work He Enjoys:

Cycling, running, kayaking, skiing, hiking, playing hockey. He also enjoys travelling and finding great hikes in beautiful locations.

De-stress Strategy:

Jim reduces his stress by trying to be active everyday. For him, the best way is go for a run with his Golden Retriever.

Jim's Tips For Students:

Enjoy your University experience as there are worse things that you could be doing. Focus on understanding important concepts as you will use this information for the rest of your life.

Favourite Quote:

“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it” – Albert Einstein.

This post was originally posted to the SFU BPK Instagram on December 16, 2020 

Simon Fraser University
SFU BPK Faculty
visibility  201
Mar 21, 2022