International Co-op
Explore the unique opportunities for SFU students to travel the world, while gaining experience in the workplace. Learn more by visiting the International Co-op website.
If my present self time-travelled back to January 2023 and told my past self from January that I would be in Nepal, I would think my present self from August has finally gone off the deep end. However, here I am, writing this from Kathmandu, and my experience in this country feels like a separate life.
Ever wonder what it’s like to work at NVIDIA as a Software Intern? That’s exactly what I did during 2021. I’ll be breaking down my entire experience at NVIDIA from start to finish; alongside the various open-source projects I had a chance to work on while at NVIDIA.
Though a move across the world during a pandemic was daunting, I was comforted by my German language ability, my experience having spent time in the country, and the strong co-op support team that stood behind me.
Rick has wanted to work for Tesla ever since he started his undergrad degree at SFU. The path to Tesla hasn't been easy nor straightforward. Read on to learn how Rick's previous Co-op opportunities set him up for success when landing an internship in the Bay Area.
Despite the warnings and worries of her friends and family, Serena set off on an adventure, accepting a co-op position on the other side of the world, in India, and she has no regrets. Sometimes in order to grow we need to challenge ourselves, and Serena did just that.
A student desperately wanting to have class outside suggested we put the decision to a vote. An overwhelming amount of hands went up for having class in the sun and I paused to think about how I could adjust my lesson plan without a chalkboard. The students saw my hesitation and said, “but Claire, don’t you believe in our right to have a democracy?”. This was when I knew I would learn a lot more than just how to teach, from my international co-op term in Catalonia.
Two months into your international co-op placement, a global pandemic hits. What do you do? Read Victoria’s article for tips on keeping a cool head in tough circumstances, and how to make the best of a precarious situation.
Accepting a co-op internship, especially internationally, can be tough but once you earn the opportunity it can be a wonderful learning experience. Nikita was accepted for a UX design internship in Amsterdam and faced some unforeseeable challenges. Read on to find out some of the key lessons that Nikita took away from her experience.
Have you ever considered travelling alone? Does it make your nervous? Well, you are not alone. There are many benefits to travelling alone and what better way to experience another country and culture than through a short-term International Co-op term? Read on to learn some tips & tricks when travelling alone.
Have you landed an International Co-op work-term and begun preparing for your semester abroad? Surely, you have done your research and are aware of the cultural differences and nuances between where you are going, and your home country? If you haven’t, have no fear! This article is meant to help you understand the basic tips and tricks to adjust to the cultural differences in your new workplace, making your transition much easier.
You have seen the emails, read the posters, heard the presentations. The question remains, is International Co-op worth it? Is it worth the planning, cost, and time off-school? Well, you will have to continue reading to find out.
"I realized that as time went on, I was having difficulties connecting and adapting to this new culture I believe this sprouted from the strong language barrier and my inability to communicate with most of my co-workers". Read Aileen's story about how she overcame culture clashing and engage in intercultural communication.
On placement with Partnership for Sustainable Development in Kathmandu, Nepal, Health Sciences students Isabelle and Elisabeth decided to extend their contribution to a community in need and enrich their learning experience, by raising resources for a Free Health Camp.
What does it mean to be alone but not lonely? Grace Chang talks about self-discovery, studying abroad and her adventures in Australia.
Derek Woo travelled to Hong Kong for his co-op with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. To keep in touch, he sent postcards home, sharing each leg of his journey as he traversed one of the world's most bustling cities.
Written during Liz's time at her international Co-op with the International Paralympic Committee, learn how it was a dream come true as it helped her grow both professionally and personally.