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International experiences are an invaluable asset to your personal and professional development. SFU provides its students with many opportunities to study, work or volunteer abroad. As these stories show, when you travel internationally, you learn to step out of your comfort zone, embrace risk and become accustomed to different ways of living. Many of our SFU community have seized these opportunities, and in turn authored these stories, tips and strategies on how to prepare for your international trip, developing your cultural intelligence and building international networks.

During our field school, we journeyed on a four day safari trip which has been the most amazing experience of my life. We got to see such a diverse range of animals from a close distance. In this photo, you can see how close our safari trucks were to the surrounding wildlife.
SFU Story
A Dream Come True
Weekend trip to Paris to see the Eiffel tower
A Summer in France
Kathmandu, Nepal
The Tales of an SFU Student Deep in the Himalayas

If my present self time-travelled back to January 2023 and told my past self from January that I would be in Nepal, I would think my present self from August has finally gone off the deep end. However, here I am, writing this from Kathmandu, and my experience in this country feels like a separate life.

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